Management Pro Assessment
March 04, 2005
Based on advanced statistical methods, The MANAGEMENTPRO™:
- provides an overview of core personality traits as they apply to management, leadership and coaching roles
- provides questions that can be used in the interview process if being used as a leadership selection tool
- assesses emotional intelligence, comfort with conflict, self-confidence, pro-activity, and people orientation and much more
- is an essential selection and leadership succession planning tool
- assesses emotional intelligence
- provides coaching and development strategies
- provides feedback on matching to mentors, peers and staff
- is available on-one 24/7
- is available in 19 different languages
The MANAGEMENTPRO™ provides each individual with an overview of strengths and some career counseling on what to seek and what to avoid in career paths.
View Sample Profile
Management Style
The MANAGEMENTPRO™ also provides an overview of the person's management style. This includes a wide variety of competencies such as leadership style, communication style, how goals and strategies are implemented, approach to motivating others, approach to asking for commitment, approach to coaching and feedback style.
Sales Management Functions (optional)
The MANAGEMENTPRO™ assesses and reports on the key sales management issues. These include recruiting and attraction, sales training and development, sales force growth and performance management.
Experience a free evaluation of the MANAGEMENTPRO™ today:
If you are interested in using a statistically valid, psychometric assessment for your business, you can qualify for a complimentary evaluation by filling out the quick form at this link:
Click here for FREE evaluation
Upon completion of the form you will be contacted by alliance partner Jay Kipps of the Self-Management Group.
How can we use assessments to build a high performing team?
Click here to listen as Business Development Advisor Jay Kipps discusses this topic
Assessing the Assessors
Maximize your investment. Learn what to look for and avoid in an assessment tool. Read this article
entitled Assessing the Assessors: Choosing the Right Assessment Tool for your Training Business by Jason Kipps and Colleen O'Brien-Wood, Ph.D.