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February 2007

Team Building Games: Butt Spelling

Here's a teamwork exercise that is somewhat competitive (all in good fun) and works well with large groups.

Each small team has a speller (a butt speller) that is provided with a secret word. The butt speller runs back to their small team and must get their team to say the secret word.  The butt speller is allowed to use their bottom (aka butt) to spell out letters to help their team get the word faster than any of the other teams. 

Yes, I know.  It's a little over the top.  With the right group though you can have a lot of fun with this teambuiding activity.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Butt Pennies

With a name like Butt Pennies, it's got to be fun!  This is one of my favorite team activities to get groups laughing.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Blanket Name Game

Are you looking for an icebreaker team activity that's fun and fast paced?  If yes, then the Blanket Name Game could be your ticket.

This is a teamwork exercise that works best with groups no larger than 16 people.  This team game is best used with groups that already know each other's names. 

Even though there are winners in this game there are really no losers because the loser is assimilated to the other team.  You'll understand when you view the video clip below.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Bottoms Up

Use this no-prop teamwork activity as a warm-up to loosen up the environment and gets folks laughing.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Joe Vitale on How To Get From Where You Are To Where To Where You Want To Be -- A lesson for individuals and teams

How does a team get from where they are to where they want to be?

How does a team make the shift from good to great?

Dr. Joe Vitale says

The secret to getting what you want is to totally appreciate this moment. When you are grateful for this moment, then whatever is next for you will bubble up out of this moment. You'll be inspired to take action of some sort.

Vitale says his favorite line these days is

"I'm totally satisfied, I just want more."

The key to success (individual or team) is to want more without NEEDING more.

Read Joe's entire post on this subject HERE.  It's worth your time.

I interviewed Joe Vitale in November 2006 about his book The Attractor Factor.  Listen to the audio interview with Joe Vitale HERE

Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" -- Team skills are needed to avert a global crisis

I just watched Al Gore's documentary entitled An Inconvenient Truth now out in DVD.

This movie will change your life.  It had that effect on me.  It's a compelling call to action.

Famed movie critic Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times says about the movie:

In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.

Ait_poster1 The website gives this movie a 92% positive rating which is about as high a rating as any movie will receive. 

Have you seen this movie?  If not I urge you to go out RIGHT NOW and rent it or buy it. 

If you're a teacher then show this movie to your students. The movie's website has an area just for educators HERE

If you're a parent watch this movie as a family (that's what we did).   

As I watched the movie I began to wonder if global warming is THE crisis that the Millennial Generation ("hero" generation) will be confronting. Not familiar with generational history?  CLICK HERE to learn about more about it.

The challenge of reversing global warming is HUGE and will demand an intense amount of teamwork. 

Reversing global warming will require a shift in consciousness.  Mankind must make the shift from lack consciousness to abundance consciousness.

Lack consciousness perpetuates fear.  Lack consciousness says there is never enough.  It promotes the idea that there is a pie and if you get a big slice then someone else will get a small slice (if they get a slice at all).  Lack consciousness says there is a finite amount of oil and we (USA) must protect our oil interests.

Abundance consciousness does away with the concept of a pie.  Where as lack consciousness perpetuates fear, abundance consciousness advances love.  Abundance consciousness provides a peaceful answer.  Oil?  How much do we need it if every car runs on electricity (or some other renewable energy)?

When two people meet (when two ideas meet) and one holds a consciousness of fear and the other love - - it is love that ALWAYS wins out. 

Teamwork, when it's taught consciously, advance abundance consciousness.

At one point in An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore says many who view his presentation become depressed and then move to a place of giving up.  People see the enormity of the challenge and don't see how they can overcome the obstacles.  When Gore said this I instantly knew of a teambuilding game that could help a group of students (or adults) experience how to take action AND experience success regardless of the obstacles.

The teambuilding game is called Hole Tarp and you can watch a video clip of high school students playing the game HERE.  You'll even find complete and detailed directions on how to lead it.

Use the Hole Tarp teambuilding activity to help a group take action together and really understand what it means to move forward together.

CLICK HERE to view a short presentation of Al Gore sharing what we can do to avert a global climat crisis.

Audio Interview: Randy Siegel on Communication Styles and How They Impact Teamwork

Randy_siegel Since ancient times, man has attempted to categorize the different personality styles.  In this interview with Randy Siegel, we focus on understanding personality styles relative to communication. 

Teams that communicate better are more successful.  This is obvious.  The problem is that most systems for understanding communication styles are too complex to easily use in a real, everyday (team)work environment.

Randy Siegel presents an easy to use communication model that helps teams become stronger, more creative, and more competitive.

Randy is a specialist in professional development, self-branding, communications training and executive positioning.  He is the author of High Voltage Communications -- Electrify Your Career and Transform Your Life.  His articles have appeared in Integrated Marketing, PR Journal, PR News, Washington Post, Atlanta Business Chronicle, and the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.

Get instant access to this audio when you become a member of the IATF.  Learn more about IATF Member Benefits CLICK HERE

During the interview Randy mentions a free downloadable handout describing the details of his communication styles system.  CLICK HERE to download this 9 page document.

Audio Interview with Roger Greenaway on Debriefing and Processing Teambuilding Games

Pers_roger Dr. Roger Greenaway is a master at maximizing the debriefing (processing) of teambuilding exercises.  Roger calls his approach "active reviewing" and he's earned his reputation by helping educators and trainers from around the world learn how to maximize the benefits of experiential learning.

In this 30 minute audio interview Roger shares his unique perspective on teamwork activities and how you can get the most out of them through "active reviewing".  Roger tells you how to best transfer the learning from the activity so the lessons learned are useful and memorable.

The recording of this TeleSeminar is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.

Distinctions for Teams: Resolve vs. Work On

Clients (teams) who come to work with a teamwork coach generally have a vested interest in keeping things the same or in creating a new version of all their past problems.

Instead, we want the team to permanently and fully resolve what it is they're attempting to work on rather than continually growing in circles. 

The teamwork coach seeks to give them a path and have them finish what it is they think would take them a long time to work on. 

The team should work with a teamwork coach to finish things quickly (to resolve them) rather than to stretch out the process.

Some teams are unwilling to resolve issues.  They instead choose to work on them, and work on them some more, and then work on them some more, and... (you get the idea). 

Teambuilding Game: Big Question

This is a great teambuilding icebreaker activity.  Through a series of question and answer periods, participants will get to know each other while having fun.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Bandana Tag

This is a fun teambuilding activity that breeds movement and laughter.  It also is a lead-in to discussing how we work on our own vs. working with a team.  And, oddly enough, it's a little competitive.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Become the Ultimate Teambuilder.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Bag of Questions

This teambuilding game is a great activity to use as an icebreaker (get-to-know-you).  I typically offer this activity when I need time to setup the next big teambuilding exercise.  It builds trust, allows participants to get to know one another better and can be lots of fun.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Remarkable Teams

Do you know what it takes to be remarkable?  To make a remarkable team?

Seth Godin shares 10 ways you can be remarkable.

1. Understand the urgency of the situation. Half-measures simply won't do. The only way to grow is to abandon your strategy of doing what you did yesterday, but better. Commit.

CLICK HERE to read the other 9.

Teambuilding Game: All My Neighbors

Want a team activity that's easy and fun and helps your team get to know one another?  All My Neighbors is great for all ages, typically for groups under 30 and is a great team icebreaker.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

Get instant access to the growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding game directions which include:

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups and growing!

All this and MORE when you become a member of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators.  CLICK HERE to explore the list of member benefits.

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Continue reading "Teambuilding Game: All My Neighbors" »

Distinctions: Three-Dimensional vs. Linear

What is the difference between a consultant who works with teams and a teamwork coach?

Consultants are linear.  They deal with information and step-by-step approaches to solving problems or creating opportunities. 

A teamwork coach does that and adds one more element, and that third-dimensional element is this: the teamwork coach develops the individual players on a personal level. 

A computer analogy: 

  • The team consultant arrives with a new piece of software to install.
  • The teamwork coach installs a new processor and upgrades the operating system so the computer runs faster and with greater efficiency. 

The teamwork coach understands that winning is not just about what the team members do or what they want.  A teamwork coach helps develop who the person is - - their values, standards, boundaries, legacy, etc.

Because the teamwork coach helps the players in a three dimensional way, the results achieved are often remarkable when compared to the linear approach of the team consultant.

Teambuilding Game: A Different Drum

This is an awesome team activity that gives participants the opportunity to experience being leaders as well as followers and to be creative.  For a team exercise that's simply fun and gets folks moving, try this one!

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Audio Interview with Laurie Beth Jones on Spirituality and Teamwork

00126_orginal Laurie Beth Jones is the author of many best selling books that teach how to effectively blend our spiritual life with our life as leaders and team members.

I was introduced to Laurie Beth's while working as a faculty level trainer for the YMCA of the USA in the mid 90's.  Her first book was entitled "Jesus, CEO - Using Ancient Wisdom For Visionary Leadership" and I was handed a copy by a workshop attendee and then I promptly placed the book on my book shelf (unread).  When I finally got around to reading it I enjoyed it.  This led me to Laurie Beth's second book entitled "The Path - Creating Your Mission Statement For Work And For Life". 

I enjoyed The Path so much that I became a nationally certified facilitator of the program and even appeared along side Laurie Beth in a nationally distributed video based home-study course. 

In this audio interview, Laurie Beth Jones shares insights on spirituality, leadership, and working with teams.

Click on the link below to listen to the 30 minute audio interview.

Download laurie_beth_jones_mp3.mp3

Note:  The first minute or so of the interview is a little garbled. 

Teambuilding Game: Human Knot

I consider the Human Knot teamwork activity to be a "classic".  It's quick and easy to set up and requires the participation of the entire group.

In the version you'll see in the video clip below the participants are using bandanas (small pieces of cloth) to create the link between team members.  I like using the bandanas because participants can maintain a connection while twisting and moving about to solve the knot.  You can lead the game without bandanas and have everyone hold hands, just make sure people know that it's OK to release your grip if a person's hand or arm becomes uncomfortably twisted. 

This is a great exercise even if someone's done it before.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Hoop Pass

The Hoop Pass teamwork exercise makes a fun and easy problem solving activity to lead wtih a group.  You don't even need to use a hoop - - you can use a piece of rope or nylon webbing tied in a circle (about the size of a hoop). 

And best of all, this is a fun teamwork game to play.  Continue reading to learn how to use this activity to teach valuable team and life skills.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Teambuilding Game: Ain't No Flies On Me

I use this teamwork activity to teach a lesson about win--lose (vs. win--win) consciousness.

People can talk for hours about the concept of win-win (see Habit 4 of Covey's "7 Habits") and what I like to do is get people out of their head and into the experience of win-win using this teambuilding game.

After people participate in this exercise they really "get" how seductive win-lose consciousness is and more importantly they realize the shift to win-win really does require purposeful intention.

Be sure to read the safety warning for this activity and the general safety guidelines HERE because people can get hurt playing this game.

Would you like to lead this teambuilding game with your group?

I'll send you the complete teambuilding game write-up!  Just subscribe to my free teamwork ideas e-newsletter (see the form in the right hand column).  In addition to receiving a free teambuilding games e-book, I'll regularly send you complete and detailed lead-it-yourself instructions to teambuilding games like the one above.  The lead-it-yourself instructions include: 

  • Setup & Preparation directions
  • Rules
  • Comments and insights about the teambuilding game
  • Debriefing suggestions
  • Variations
  • Detailed "how to make it" if props are involved
  • Video clips and photos

Over time you'll receive over 100 new and different lead-it-yourself teambuilding game write-ups for FREE. 

CLICK HERE for a sample teambuilding game write-up.

Do you need immediate access to my growing online archive of lead-it-yourself teambuilding games?  When you purchase my popular Multimedia 3-CD Training Bundle, I'll immediately send you the password to my online archive of teambuilding game write-ups.  Learn more HERE.

>> Lead consciously.  Learn how HERE

Continue reading "Teambuilding Game: Ain't No Flies On Me" »

A Lesson About Teamwork from Bruce Hornsby

I've been listening to a lot of music by Bruce Hornsby lately.  He's one of my favorite musicians and song writers.

Summer of 2006 I had the great pleasure of attending a live outdoor concert at the famous Biltmore Estate.  Three thousand people attended and my wife and I were very close to the front having a great time.

Brucehornsby2 During one of the slow thoughtful tunes, some guy up front in the standing room / dancing area was yelling and being obnoxious.  Bruce stopped playing and told the guy to be considerate.  It was awesome.

It was awesome because Bruce could do that with 3,000 people looking on.  Think about the pressure to do nothing.  To keep on playing or to just ignore the inconsiderate concert goer.  Imagine if we were all so clear about our boundaries.  Imagine your team members being that clear about their boundaries and being comfortable, regardless of the situation, in letting everyone know when a line has been crossed.

Bruce had his "Noise Makers" band with him which amounted to six other people (one of whom was his son on electric guitar).  I noticed that everyone in the band keyed off of Bruce.  They were so tight (as musicians say).  When Bruce stopped playing because of the obnoxious guy the rest of the band stopped instantly.  It was like someone hit a stop button.  Everyone in the band was so in touch with Bruce and each other.

How does a team (a band) develop this one mind?

Practice.  Lots of practice.

So, what does your team practice?

Are you not practicing?  Then how can you expect to perform well under pressure (or any other condition)?

PS  The 2005 concert of the year as voted on by die hard Hornsby fans took place in Asheville, NC (where I live) and you can purchase the live recording HERE.

Learning Fallacy - - Homework Is Valuable (NOT!)

In my work as a teamwork coach I help trainers and managers design high impact teambuilding programs.  Many of the people I consult with believe they have a firm grasp about what it means to teach people (educate, train, etc.).  The reality is most trainers are simply copying the teaching methodology they witnessed while going through school, meaning the teacher talks and the students listen passively only to regurgitate facts for an exam.

That is not teaching.

One of the sacred cows of teaching is homework.  Everyone knows that homework reinforces learning.  Homework promotes understanding.  Homework promotes high achievement.  Homework is good.

Only it's not.

Hmwrkmythcover In his latest book entitled "The Homework Myth", Alfie Kohn systematically shows that all of our commonly held beliefs about the value of homework do not pass the test of research, logic, or experience.

Here's what one reviewer from the Atlantic Monthly had to say about the book:

Parents take note: this is a stinging jeremiad against the assignment of homework, which the author, a prominent educator, convincingly argues is a wasteful, unimaginative, and pedagogically bankrupt practice that initiates kids into a soul-sucking rat race long before their time.

What else do you believe to be true about teaching and learning?


Interview # 1
Click on the link below to listen to a 10 minute audio interview with Alvie Kohn about this book.
Download Alfie_Kohn_homework_myth.mp3

Interview # 2
CLICK HERE to listen to Alfie Kohn interviewed on the Diane Rehm show (public radio program in the Washington DC area)

Audio Interview with Master Teambuilding Games Leader Sam Sikes - - The use of props in experiential teamwork activities

Websam Sam Sikes is one of the most creative teamwork trainers I know. He has an amazing gift for finding everyday items and turning them into powerful teambuilding games props and so this is what I'll be talking with Sam about in this interview.

Sam has worked with small, medium, large and extra large groups in the US and beyond. He is a prolific writer of team building games books (I own them all), and a master team facilitator. He has been awarded both the “Practitioner of the Year Award” and the “Karl Rohnke Creativity Award” by the Association of Experiential Education. In addition to all of this, Sam is flat out one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet.

Topics we’ll cover in this interview:

  • What is a team building “prop”?
  • What makes a good prop and what makes a bad one?
  • Can you have too many?
  • Common props
  • Unusual props
  • Sam’s favorite props

Click on the link below to listen to the 37 minute audio interview (4.6 MB):
Download sam_sikes_mp3_sm.mp3

Be sure to visit Sam's website

Join My Team

You’re at the right place if you’re looking for an opportunity to join a team and make a difference in the lives of people.

Tomheck100_2 Hi.  I'm Tom Heck, creator of  As you know from my work at, I have great passion for teaching team skills and building high performing teams.

The first step to building a high performing team is to “get the right people on the bus” as Jim Collins would say who authored the best seller Good To Great. In other words, be sure to attract the right people and the likelihood for success is magnified tenfold.

Are you the right person for this bus?  I need to know because I'll be working closely with you.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you enjoy helping others?
  • Are you a natural coach and teacher?
  • Do you love building strong teams?
  • Are you coachable and enjoy working on a team?
  • Do you desire financial freedom?
  • Do you take full responsibility for your life?
  • Do you walk the path of inspired action?

Imagine working with a group of people who’ve answered ‘yes’ to each of these questions. This is the team I’m building.

My team works closely with me in a business that improves people’s lives through an amazing patented technology in the health and wellness sector.

The business model we use is endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson and many other business leaders; it’s called network marketing.

I resonate with the network marketing model of business for many reasons, including:

  • I love connecting with, helping, and educating people.
  • The model of leadership I love most (called “servant leadership”) is a requirement to experience true success.
  • I get to leverage the power of a team without having a single employee.

If you’d like to know if the network marketing business model is right for you, CLICK HERE to read an informative article at entitled "Deciding If Network Marketing Is Right For You".

About The Business

Research in recent years has revealed that Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emitted by electric and electronic devices have very significant biological consequences that are detrimental to our health.  Cell phones are one of the most harmful and most common sources of EMF pollution.

CLICK HERE to view an ABC News 20/20 Special that outlines the dangers associated with cellular phone use.

CLICK HERE to go to the Safe Wireless Initiative website where you can find an enormous amount of information about the dangerous EMF radiation emitted by cell phones.

There are over 2 billion cell phone users worldwide and this number is growing rapidly, which means there are a lot of people being exposed to harmful radiation produced by their phones.

Our company has a patented product that is scientifically proven to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF radiation produced by cell phones.

Do you see the incredible business opportunity here?  There is a gigantic need and a company with a patented and proven technology that addresses this need.

CLICK HERE to watch a video that describes the problem, our company, and how our patented technology provides an effective solution to the problem.

When you begin to research and understand the scope of the problem our company addresses, you’ll be inspired, like I am, to educate others about the problem and its solution.

If you’d like to learn more about our company and products, CLICK HERE.

If you’ve read this far, clearly you have an entrepreneurial spirit and I’d like to talk with you.  Send me an email ([email protected]) or call 828-665-0303  (I live in Asheville, NC) to set up a time to talk about your business-building goals and your interest in joining my team.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Tom Heck
Teamwork Coach

P.S. To participate in this opportunity you must live in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa.  With time, I’ll be growing my team in other countries.

Thank you for answering this question

Tomheck100 Thank you for providing me with your most important question about debriefing teambuilding games.

I'll be compiling the list of top questions and answering them during the free TeleSeminar hosted by on Wednesday May 21, 2008 at 1 pm EST.

Your TeleSeminar call information is being sent to you now.  Make sure your spam filter is set to receive emails from:  [email protected]

Tom Heck
Teamwork Coach

What are you going for in 2007?

2007 is here.  Have you decided what you (your team) is going for?

What would you go for if you knew you could not fail?

Yes, there are (or will be) obstacles but they are not your concern.  Your job is to dream big and then go for it.

Take a lesson from this eastern black bear who wants the bird food in the feeder...



