Master Trainer Barry Rellaford -- mini training session on how to start the "low trust" conversation
May 30, 2007
Barry Rellaford is a master trainer who works with CoveyLink, the organization behind Stephen M.R. Covey (listen to the audio interview I did with Covey HERE).
It's a delight to call Barry my friend. He's been a supporter of since the very beginning and we've had many a phone conversation that I later said "That should have been recorded". I say they should be recorded because our conversations are so rich and meaningful that I always think others would enjoy listening to them.
On Wed May 29 we had one of these "it should have been recorded" conversations.
We were talking about an experience I had with a client and how I suggested they were dealing with trust issues. My client pushed back and let me know "trust is definetly NOT the issue". It clearly was but they didn't want to acknowledge it. Barry provided me with some amazing feedback.
And it's no wonder he's an expert on trust.
Barry helped design the workshop based on the book The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey and he is delivering this training around the world on a near weekly basis.
Can you imagine working on the topic of trust with business leaders on a weekly basis? Awesome.
Barry's level of knowledge and understanding of all things trust is deep and profound.
Back to the "it should have been recorded" conversation...
I finally did it.
I said to Barry "We MUST have this conversation again!" He agreed and so today (May 30) Barry and I had our conversation about trust - - specifically talking about why trust is such an emotional topic and how questioning a person's (or organization's) level of trust does NOT mean you are questioning their integrity.
During the conversation you'll hear Barry offer a fantastic suggestion on how to take some of the charge out of the conversation by simply replacing the word trust with a similar word that doesn't have all the emotional charge. It was a big "ah-ha" moment for me.
This recorded training session is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Members CLICK HERE to access the recording.