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September 2008

How to guide individuals and teams to win the games of their lives on their own terms -- CEO of Dave Buck visits the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

Where are you on your Career Path as a leader of teams?

If you think the strategies, tactics and tools that got you here will get you there then you must become aware of a major shift that's happening right now in our economy (or you'll be left behind).

As you'll hear in the audio program below, we're evolving as a society and therefore your leadership style must evolve. 

The evolutionary progression started with an economy based on agriculture which gave way to the "Industrial Age".  From there we moved into the "Information Age". 

Dave_buck_150x150jpg Now, Dave Buck the CEO of, and IATF Visiting Faculty Member suggests we are rapidly evolving again - - this time to the "Inspiration Age"

Our economic prosperity will soon be based on Inspiration.  You can see this now - - people want to engage in activities that are both economically viable AND meaningful. This trend is particularly obvious among Gen-Y (under 30 crowd).

When it comes to leading teams, motivation is out and inspiration is in.

What's the number one skill for team leaders working in the new Inspiration Economy?


You must learn how to lead using the coach approach and in this recording Dave Buck shares 5 (of the 15) proficiencies required of team leaders who want to make the shift to building and leading teams using a coach approach.

Click on the link below to download and listen to the 60 minute audio recording of Master Certified Coach Dave Buck

Download dave_buck_1.mp3

Learn how to make the shift from an old traditional (command and control) style of leadership to an inspirational style of leadership based on the coach approach at the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

"Speed Of Trust" expert Barry Rellaford visits the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program to share insights on building trust on your team

Have you ever worked on or with a low trust team?

When trust is low, how do you establish, build and nurture trust on the team?  This is the question Stephen M.R. Covey answers in his best selling book

The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything

Barryrellaford The world's number one trainer of the Speed Of Trust material is Barry Rellaford who was a guest speaker at the summer 2008 session of the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

Every leader I've ever met understands the importance of trust and yet, many struggle with how to create a culture high in trust.

This is where Barry Rellaford comes in - - he has a gift for presenting the complexities of the Speed Of Trust material in an understandable, memorable, and actionable manner.

In this recording you'll hear Barry talk about:

  • What is the relationship between character and competence relative to trust?
  • What happens when you mandate high trust?
  • How are trust and integrity related?
  • How do you pay a "trust tax"?

Click on the link below to download the 60 minute recording of master trainer Barry Rellaford talking about The Speed Of Trust:

Download barry_rellaford_2b.mp3

Gregg Levoy audio interview -- Author of "Callings: Finding And Following An Authentic Life" shares how you can become a stronger leader by getting clear on your calling

Here's a simple truth for you team leaders out there...

Your strength as a leader is defined by the degree to which you're following your Calling. 

  • Weak leaders are unclear when it comes to their Calling.
  • Strong leaders have great clarity about their Calling AND are following it!

A Calling is any leap you want to make in  your personal or professional life that will align or re-align you with your passion and sense of purpose, with  your deepest values, with a fit between who you are and what you do. 

A Calling is an urging from the deep Self that tells you what's needed to make your life come true.

Gregg_levoyWhen it comes to finding, clarifying, and following your Calling,Gregg Levoy is the go-to man.  He is the author of "Callings: Finding And Following An Authentic Life" and it's a must read for anyone ready to take their life (personal and professional) to an entirely new level.

Gregg recently visited the summer 2008 session of the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program and shared insights from his work helping people find their Calling and I recorded the call for you.

I recorded the 60-minute call where you'll hear Gregg answer these questions:

  • What is the relationship of Callings to leadership?
  • What is an authentic life?
  • What are the symptoms of not following your Calling?
  • What is life like when you ARE following your Calling?
  • How do you find your Calling?
  • How do you follow your Calling if your Calling is something other than what you're doing now?

Click on the link below to download the recording of Gregg Levoy speaking at the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program:

Download gregg_levoy_1.mp3

How to get things done -- Productivity guru David Allen audio interview shares strategies to increase productivity and reduce stress

If you lead teams then you need to know about productivity guru David Allen, the best selling author of 

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

I contacted David after reading the weekly Progress Notes of participants in IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

Getting_things_done Most of the program participants (leaders from around the world) reported having way too much to do and not enough time to do it.  Turns out this is the life of most leaders.

When you implement David's GTD (Getting Things Done) system you gain control of your life (personal and professional).  The result?  Less stress and more creativity.

And if you think your life is too far out of control for David's system to help then you're mistaken.  The GTD system has helped people in extremely challenging situations including an executive with more than 27,000 emails in his in-box!

Learning the GTD system does take time and effort and no doubt there will be some who will proclaim "I don't have time to learn a new system for being more productive and living with less stress!"  These are the same people Stephen R. Covey wrote about in his book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". 

You remember habit number 7 "Sharpen The Saw" and the story of the man cutting a log with a saw who is briefly interrupted by a passing "consultant" who notices how poorly the saw is cutting because it's dull and when the consultant suggests the man stop and sharpen it the reply comes "Who has time to sharpen saws!?  I've got too much wood to cut!"

In the audio interview below you'll hear David Allen interviewed by IATF President Tom Heck during his  visit to the summer 2008 session of the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

Click on the link below to listen to the 52 minute audio interview with David Allen

Download David_Allen_visits_the_Manager_As_Coach_Boot_Camp_081108.mp3