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February 2009

Perfect Teambuilding Storm on Horizon

A perfect teambuilding storm is on the horizon for managers.

Will you foresee it in time?

The writing is on the wall.  It’s right in front of you but you may STILL miss it.

TV, newspapers, radio, web - - it’s showing up as:

  • “The economy is tanking!”  and
  • “Another 2,500 people are laid off!”

With headlines like that it’s seems easy to get caught up and miss the message that is SCREAMING out to managers?

Those who “get it” will have a HUGE advantage.

Here it is...

If you want to be on the leading edge of change, if you want to position yourself so employers see you as a “must have” in the organization (i.e. “don’t fire this one”), then YOU MUST EVOLVE.

The Leader As Coach Fast Track Program is where you will learn to evolve.

If you refuse to evolve and transform yourself as a leader then you better get used to saying “I’m a dinosaur.”

A storm is coming and those that sit on the sidelines risk irrelevancy.

Elements of the storm:

  • Gen-Y
  • Virtual Teams
  • Shrinking Budgets

A brief explanation...


Gen-Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, is the largest generation in history and they’re flooding the world of business. 

Managers across the spectrum report challenges in managing (leading) Gen-Y.  The experts are in agreement saying the best way to lead Gen-Y is through a “coach approach”.  Learn how HERE

Virtual Teams

If you haven’t read about it then I’m sure you’ve heard about it - - The World Is Flat - - it’s Thomas Friedman’s best seller that explains how the world of business has completely changed because of the internet. 

Virtual Teams are the way of a Flat World.  Virtual Teams are here to stay and GROWING in numbers.

The most effective way to lead a Virtual Team is through a “coach approach”.  Learn how HERE

Shrinking Budgets

In a difficult economy 99% of training budgets are slashed to the bone and yet everyone recognizes this dilemma: 

Training improves performance and increased performance keeps you competitive (avoiding bankruptcy). 

The question you should be asking yourself is this: 

How do I get the most from my team when the training budget has evaporated?

THE ANSWER:  Leader As Coach

Coach Leaders NATURALLY improve team performance without the huge training budgets.

When it comes to a significant ROI, Coach Leaders deliver.

The best way to become a Coach Leader is HERE.

This is the skill set that will keep you in the game.

Starting Tuesday February 3, 2009  we're offering the 7-week Leader As Coach Fast Track Program. This is the ultimate leadership development program for managers who lead a Virtual Team.  

Does the program work?

The Leader As Coach Fast Track Program is the most effective distance learning leadership development program ever devised.  And it is THE best leadership development program for leaders of Virtual Teams!

Bold statement, I know.  And it's true.

Just read the testimonials from participants and the endorsements from training professionals HERE.

This is the course you’ve been waiting for.

Enroll now as space is limited.

Tom Heck
President & Founder
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

TeleSeminar: Teambuilding Using Online Gaming

How would you handle this actual request from Google?

“We need a teambuilding event for 350 staff in our NYC office.”

A traditional corporate retreat was out of the question.  Too expensive and time consuming.

A totally unique solution was provided by Brad Hargreaves, CEO of provides team and leadership development through “massively multiplayer online role-playing games” (MMORPGs).

You read that right.

Teambuilding by playing a game online.

Did I already lose you?  If yes, you might be a dinosaur and you already know your fate.

For all others, please read this quote:

“If you want to see what business leadership may look like in three to five years, look at what’s happening in online games.”
  ---  Byron Reeves, PhD -- Stanford University

Online gaming expert Brad Hargreaves, CEO of, was my guest on a live IATF Leadership TeleSeminar and over 150 people from around the world joined the call.

During this TeleSeminar we discussed the benefits of teambuilding combining virtual and real-world elements, especially games.

Brad shared specific lessons learned from his work with Google and other large organizations where hundreds and even thousands of people are involved in his online teambuilding training events using games.

In this TeleSeminar you'll learn how massive online games teach important skills such as communication, collaboration and leadership.

Look into the future of team and leadership development! 

To access the recording of this informative 60 minute TeleSeminar login to the Members Only Area of the IATF.  Not a member?  CLICK HERE to join.


Duct Tape Teambuilding Games -- 50 Fun Activities to Help Your Team Stick Together

Duct Tape Teambuilding Games_1 With one roll of duct tape and this new book, you can now lead 50 fun teambuilding activities that teach vital team skills such as:  Leadership, Trust, Cooperation, Creativity, Problem Solving, Confidence (280 pages). Available in paperback and e-book (Kindle). Available through Amazon.  CLICK HERE to learn more

Price:  $24.96  BUY NOW

Teamwork Cards -- The Teambuilding Games Kit That Fits In Your Pocket

Teamwork_cards_cover_sm Use this unique set of 30 laminated multi-use cards to lead 25 fun, engaging, and thought provoking teamwork activities.  30 Cards with 144 page book and DVD.  CLICK HERE to learn more  

Price:  $79  BUY NOW