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Leadership, Teams and Personal Balance -- International Association of Teamwork Facilitators monthly leadership TeleSeminar

IATF TeleSeminar: Leadership and Money -- How your relationship with money impacts you and your team

Announcing the monthly leadership TeleSeminar at the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators.

TITLE:  Leadership and Money -- How your relationship with money impacts you and your team

3 a.m. Money Worry Attack

Argh! Awake at 3 a.m., again! Worry, worry, worry. And what about? Money, budget, numbers. And even when you do hit the numbers, does the stress go away for more than a moment or two? No, it doesn't. That's a clue.

Whether you run a small business, a team, or are self-employed, money is often the not-so-silent elephant in the room that is driving stress and conflict.

An unhealthy relationship with money keeps you on the gerbil wheel  destabilizing team dynamics, especially if the leader isn't able to act as a truly calm and confident anchor.

The solution to this worry and disruption is a little elusive.  It tends to live in a realm that often doesn't get much airplay in business situations. Money issues, because they trigger our deepest needs around survival, love and acceptance, are at root spiritual issues and need to be faced first in the heart, before they are faced at deadlines or on spreadsheets.

Join us for an hour, and we'll dig into ancient teachings that have been time-tested for more than 1600 years, on how to have a healthy relationship with money and finances in business. You will discover how to access a genuine sense of calm, peace, and confidence even in the face of financial threat.

This is not about "chanting your way to abundance." It IS about heart-centered ancient wisdom that works, taught by Mark Silver a practical fourth-generation entrepreneur and former paramedic, who also happens to be a designated master teacher in his Sufi spiritual lineage.  Mark is an IATF Visiting Faculty Member and owner of

Who should attend

  • Teamwork Facilitators, Coaches, Trainers, Supervisors, Managers, Entrepreneurs


  • Wednesday May 20, 2009
  • 12 noon - 1pm EST (NY City time zone)

Phone Number

  • Register below and we'll send it to you.



Your Host

  • Tom Heck, President and Founder of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators (IATF)



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