Leadership, Teams and Personal Balance -- International Association of Teamwork Facilitators monthly leadership TeleSeminar
May 25, 2009
How does “Personal Balance” impact leadership and teams?
Your answer to that question will reveal the amount of success and joy you experience on a daily basis as a leader or Teamwork Facilitator.
Monthly IATF Leadership TeleSeminar this week -- keep reading!
Successful Teamwork Facilitators know the value of addressing Personal Balance because the payoff is so quick and so significant.
True story...
I was working with a team leader who was WAY out of balance.
His marriage was on the rocks.
His kids hardly knew him.
His health was in the tank.
Creativity? Forget it.
Sound familiar?
He tells me “I don’t have time for this Personal Balance stuff! I’ve got a team to lead! Come on!”
We worked on Personal Balance anyway.
As expected, he experienced significant benefits and so did his team.
Here are 3 key lessons to strengthening Personal Balance:
1. Understand this equation: E + R = O
If a team (or leader) gets this equation then odds are in your favor.
Event + Response = Outcome
It's from Jack Canfield's book The Success Principles and here's the lesson:
Every outcome you experience - whether it is success or failure, wealth or poverty, healthy or illness, intimacy or estrangement, joy or frustration - is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event or events in your life.
This equation helps leaders understand there are no victims. And victims? They like to blame the event (like the golfer who blames her clubs or the course).
If you don't like the Outcome then change your Response.
And here's the trick: Can you practice being 100% responsible for EVERYTHING you're experiencing in life WITHOUT the guilt?
We'll explore this further during the training call (see below).
2. Tell the truth.
Leaders and teams that tell the truth are much more likely to experience Balance.
Initially, truth telling can make you feel out of balance. But it's the only way. It's a paradox. You've got to enter the woods to get THROUGH the woods.
In every area of our lives (public, private, home, work, etc.) the three things that most need to be shared are:
- resentments that have built up
- unmet needs and demands that underlie those resentments
- appreciations
We'll explore this further during the training call (see below).
3. Know your top 3 True Values
You are your values. If you are clear about your top 3 values then you will experience a HUGE competitive advantage. Same holds true for teams.
Values are easily squashed by needs, shoulds and problems. All are powerful distractions.
Values are the only sustainable basis for goal setting (true for leaders and teams).
Benefits of Orienting Around Values:
- Goal setting is easier and goals can be reached more quickly.
- Your life purpose and vision comes to you more clearly.
- Fewer distractions occur with life becoming simpler and more rich.
We'll explore this further during the training call (see below).
IATF Leadership TeleSeminar
On Thursday May 28, 2009 Tom Heck, the President and Founder of the IATF, will lead the monthly IATF Leadership TeleSeminar entitled "Leadership, Teams and Personal Balance".
Who should attend: Teamwork Facilitators, Teamwork Coaches, Team Leaders, Supervisors, Managers.
IATF members LOGIN HERE to enter the IATF Members Only Area and then click on the calendar to get the call details.
Not yet an IATF member? CLICK HERE to read the list of IATF member benefits. When you join you get immediate access to this call AND many other resources.
This call, like all monthly IATF Leadership TeleSeminars, will be recorded and archived at the IATF Members Only Area.
To your success!
Tom Heck
President and Founder
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators