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September 2009

Breakthrough Leadership - How To Help Your Team Thrive On Change with best selling team and leadership author Brian Biro -- Leadership Skills TeleSeminar

Ultimately, no matter what industry you’re involved in, you are in the BREAKTHROUGH business!  Every day you seek to breakthrough with customers to generate loyalty, satisfaction, and relationship. 

The key to lasting success in business is breaking through with your own team members so they eagerly embrace personal responsibility, committed purpose, and leadership.  They must see themselves as breakthrough leaders! 

And especially in times of challenge, your team members must focus persistently on what they CAN do rather than wasting time and energy on the things they don’t control. 

Breakthrough Leadership is every bit as important with your family as well!

 This one-of-a-kind TeleSeminar ignites the energy and true leadership potential in every participant. 

Breakthrough Leadership is full spectrum leadership that engages every participant in shaping the future, igniting the team, building outstanding relationships, delivering results, and living with personal excellence, integrity, and responsibility. 

In this vibrant, engaging tele-presentation, you’ll gain new appreciation for your impact on others and how you can make a genuine difference! 

This session creates a fresh, new, and exciting vision of leadership that includes:

  • Igniting “E” Power in your team—the #1 key to igniting others and self
  • Being fully present, the key to building people, trust, and balance
  • The most surprising and powerful essentials to recognition, acknowledgement, and appreciation
  • The critical importance of becoming a master of questions

Bria_biro_3 Brian Biro is the IATF Visiting Faculty Member for this special interactive call.

Brian is America’s Breakthrough Coach!  He is one of the nation's foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building. 

He has spoken at more than 1,100 events around the world over the past 19 years.  A major client described him best when he said, “Brian Biro has the energy of a ten-year-old, the enthusiasm of a twenty-year-old, and the wisdom of a seventy-five-year-old.” 

A former vice-president of a major transportation corporation and the author of 9 books including bestseller, Beyond Success!, and his brand new, It’s Time For Joy!, Brian was rated #1 from over 40 Speakers at 4 consecutive INC. Magazine International Conferences.  With degrees from Stanford University and UCLA, Brian has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and as a featured speaker at the Disney Institute in Orlando.  

Call Details


Breakthrough Leadership -- How to help your team thrive on change


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 75 minutes


Best selling author Brian Biro


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


The recording for this call is archived in the IATF Members Only Area




Registration is closed for this call.

Free IATF membership benefits Q&A call

Is membership in the IATF right for you?

Will you benefit from enrolling in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program which starts next week?  This course is normally $800 but free if you join on or before Sept. 4.

Come to this call on Wednesday to get all your questions answered about IATF membership benefits and the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

A special joining incentive will be announced during the call.

CLICK HERE to register. 

Call Details:


IATF membership benefits Q&A call


Wednesday September 2, 2009
starts at 12 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs 60 minutes

Call Leader

Tom Heck, IATF President & Founder


Free. No charge.

Register Here

CLICK HERE to register.  It's free.

If you join the IATF on or before September 4 you’ll save money AND have the opportunity to enroll in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program for free.

I look forward to having you join us!

Tom Heck
President & Founder
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators
[email protected]
(828) 348-4677

VIDEO: Tony Robbins reveals how you (and your team) can be successful even when things look bad

Tony_robbins_interviews_frank_kern_and_john_reese What's the difference between a successful team and one that struggles?

This is the question I want you to consider as you watch this 38 minute video of Tony Robbins as he works with two very successful businessmen (two guys who used to be broke).  The video was not necessarily intended to help transform teams - - it was intended to help you (the individual) move forward in a successful way.  Even so, there is a powerful process Robbins shares at about 13 minutes in (look for him holding the notepad. 

What is the Holy Grail of someone taking action or not?

ANSWER:  Certainty

When a leader (or team) is absolutely certain that when they take X action AND that it will produce Y result and that result will change their life / team / business, the leader (or team) will do it.

Robbins shares a four quadrant model that will help you understand the mindset needed required to transform your life and your team.

Robbins says the purpose of this interview is to uncover the traits that successful people have in common. Specifically, the traits that cause them to take massive action and follow through. As you’ll see, the solution is really quite simple and available to us all.

CLICK HERE to view the video (link takes you away from this site).

Ten Business Strategies To Organize Your Family Life by Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni, a best selling author in the teambuilding / business arena, shares 10 business strategies that will help your family life.

  1. Identify Your Core Values
  2. Establish a Single Top Priority
  3. Keep Your Values and Top Priority Visible
  4. Don't Make Snap Decisions
  5. Understand Your Opportunity Cost
  6. Asses Which Balls Bounce and Which Ones Break
  7. Don't Confuse Long-Term Strategies With Short-Term Tactics
  8. Meet Often To Review Your Progress
  9. Get Out of the "Office" From Time To Time
  10. Welcome Productive Conflict

CLICK HERE to read the entire article.

What do I do if my manager is the problem on my team?

Best selling author Patrick Lencioni answers this common question:

"What do I do if my manager is the problem on my team? I mean, I don't have control over him. How am I supposed to have any influence?"

Lencioni says:

I used to respond to those questions by encouraging people to try to focus on influencing their own department and maybe even accept their situation for what it is. And while there is virtue in doing both of those things, I've recently come to the realization that there is an additional option-and a powerful one-that most of us are reticent to use, or perhaps unaware of. What I'm referring to is something I'll define as moral authority.

CLICK HERE to continue reading.

How does a team leader get to the place where she feels comfortable leading with "moral authority"?  The Answer:  Become a "Leader Coach".

Association of Experiential Education -- 37th International Conference in Montreal

Imagine a team skills workshop that involves sitting and listening to an "expert" talk about how to be a good team.  You might even hear this in the workshop "Please open your books and read the section on shared leadership between pages 129 and 157."

Now imagine a team skills workshop that involves engaging, hands-on learning exercises that create openings for dynamic and productive conversations that build on the collective wisdom of the participants - - all guided by a skilled facilitator who helps the group learn how to apply what they've experienced.

Which one of these workshops would you prefer to attend?

I'm going to guess your answer is workshop # 2 where you'll learn through EXPERIENCE.

All of the great teamwork facilitators understand the value of experiential education.

AEE_logo If you're new to experiential education then you need to know about the Association of Experiential Education (AEE).  This organization supports the work of experiential learning practitioners worldwide.  You'll find many AEE members who are teamwork facilitators.  I have presented at many AEE conferences on topics involving team and leadership development - - usually sharing strategies, tactics and tools for teaching team skills experientially. 

AEE is holding their international conference in the beautiful city of Montreal between October 29 and November 1, 2009.  CLICK HERE to learn more about the conference.

IATF members Michael Cardus of and Brian Capron of UNC Charlotte Venture Program will be leading workshops at the event.  Read the list of great workshops and workshop presenters HERE.

IATF Teamwork & Leadership Ideas Newsletter - Summer 2009

Tom_heck_120 Hello Teamwork Facilitators!  It's Tom Heck, President & Founder of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators, with your summer teamwork ideas newsletter.

Here at the IATF it's been a very busy and productive summer.  We've hosted several very popular TeleSeminars with IATF Visiting Faculty Members including one with Emotional Intelligence expert Dr. Relly Nadler and another with Trust Building expert Barry Rellaford.  Our next IATF Visiting Faculty Member will be speaking on "Courage In The Workplace" (see below) and you're invited!

We've also held several other live (via TeleSeminar) events including IATF member-only "Meet & Greet" events, Group Coaching Calls and Leadership Skills TeleSeminars.  The next Leadership Skills TeleSeminar will be held this week Friday and the topic is "Questions Successful Teamwork Facilitators Ask" (sign up below).

Although we only started offering memberships at the IATF in early May we already have members from 23 countries and the people we're attracting are truly incredible.  We've spent the summer working hard to improve the IATF Members Only Area experience and we're about to get out of pre-launch and the price of membership will increase.  If you've thought about becoming a member of the IATF now is the time!  CLICK HERE to learn more about IATF membership.

Tom Heck
President & Founder
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

Free TeleSeminars

Questions Successful Teamwork Facilitators Ask
Friday August 21, 2009
CLICK HERE for more info and to register

Courageous Leadership - An introduction to the practice of courage-building with Bill Treasurer
Wednesday August 26, 2009
CLICK HERE for more info and to register

Free Videos

View two short videos normally only viewable by IATF members.  Get a sense of what's going on behind the scenes in the IATF Members Only Area.  CLICK HERE

Free Audio Interview

Leadership Development News interviews IATF President & Founder Tom Heck.  We discuss key attributes of the Coach Leader.  CLICK HERE to access recording.

Free Teambuilding Game

Do you need to work on upgrading communication on your team?  Here's a great teambuilding game to help  you do just that.  CLICK HERE for more.

Free 10-week Leadership Development Course

When you join the IATF before September 4, 2009 you'll receive one free ticket to participate in the IATF's 10-week distance learning "Leader As Coach Fast Track Program" This highly successful program normally costs $800 but you get it for free if you join the IATF now.  Course starts on September 8, 2009.  CLICK  HERE for IATF Member Benefits.

Price Increase at the IATF

On September 4, 2009 the IATF officially launches and the price of membership will increase.  Join now to access immediate resources and save!  CLICK HERE for more information.

Teamwork and Flash Mobs -- What does MC Hammer have to teach us about teamwork?

In the fun video below you'll see 100 people (a "flash mob") dressed in gold MC Hammer inspired pants flood into a clothing store and dance to Hammer's song "Can't Touch This".  It's hilarious.

What are the lessons here for Teamwork Facilitators?

Look at the dancers.  They're having a great time.  I don't know how much the dancers were paid to do this but I doubt it was much (they might have done this for free).  It's obvious to me that the person leading this team did not try motivation "techniques" with this group - - the energy of the group is a result of INSPIRATION.  When a team is inspired the energy goes WAY up.

How do you inspire a team (vs. motivate)?  Simple.  You use the Coach Approach to leadership.

Courageous Leadership - An Introduction to the Practice of Courage-Building with Bill Treasurer -- Leadership Skills TeleSeminar

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
 -– Anais Nin

Courage is the first virtue…because it makes all the other virtues possible.

If that’s true, than courage is the first business virtue too. 

Why? Because it makes so many other business concepts possible. Leadership, for example, takes bold action and decisive judgment. It takes courage. 

Innovation takes creating ground-breaking, but tradition-defying, ideas. It takes courage.

Sales takes knocking on the door in the face of rejection.  It takes courage.

In fact, courage is so important to these concepts that they don’t exist in the absence of courage.

Despite the importance of courage to business success, there have been no training programs dedicated solely on building workforce courage --- until now.

This session will focus on inspiring more courageous behavior in yourself and in those you work with. Specifically, in this session, you’ll learn:

  1. Why fear and comfort are bad for business
  2. The “Three Buckets of Courage” and how to differentiate among them
  3. The differences between managers who encourage workers, and those who discourage them (Fillers and Spillers)
  4. Tips on how to be more courageous yourself, and how to inspire more courageous behavior among your coworkers and employees

Bill_treasurer IATF Visiting Faculty Member and courage expert Bill Treasurer will be our special guest for this special TeleSeminar.

Bill Treasurer is founder and Chief Encouragement Officer at Giant Leap Consulting (GLC), a Courage Building company that exists to help people and organizations live more courageously. Bill is the author of Courage Goes to Work, a book that introduces the new practice of courage-building. He is also the author of Right Risk, a book about personal courage. 

Bill is a former member of the U.S. High Diving Team.  For seven years he traveledCourage_goes_to_work throughout the world performing with a team of high performing athletes.  During that time, Bill did over 1500 high dives from heights that scaled to over 100 feet...sometimes on fire! 

Bill’s insights have been featured in over 100 newspapers and national magazines. Since 1993 Bill has conducted over 500 corporate workshops designed to strengthen people’s leadership skills, improve team performance, accelerate innovation, and help executives behave more courageously. His clients include NASA, the CDC, the Department of Veterans Affairs, SPANX, Spirit Airlines, and many others.



Courageous Leadership: An introduction to the practice of courage-building


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 75 minutes


Bill Treasurer, Courage Expert and Founder of Giant Leap Consulting


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


Recording has been moved to the IATF Members Only Area.




Registration closed. 

IATF Member Only Area Videos -- a sneak peek

The IATF Member Only Area is packed with information critical to the success of Teamwork Facilitators.  To make the IATF Member Only Area more user-friendly we're creating a series of instructional videos that are normally only viewable if you have a username and password.  Here's a sneak peek at a few of the videos we've created so far.

CLICK HERE to learn more about IATF membership.

Welcome message from IATF President & Founder Tom Heck

IATF Welcome Video from Tom Heck on Vimeo.

IATF "Getting Started" video

Getting Started at the IATF Members Only Area Website from Tom Heck on Vimeo.