Analysis of Collaboration -- Psychology Today article explores creative partnerships
IATF Teamwork & Leadership Ideas Newsletter - Summer 2009

Teamwork and Flash Mobs -- What does MC Hammer have to teach us about teamwork?

In the fun video below you'll see 100 people (a "flash mob") dressed in gold MC Hammer inspired pants flood into a clothing store and dance to Hammer's song "Can't Touch This".  It's hilarious.

What are the lessons here for Teamwork Facilitators?

Look at the dancers.  They're having a great time.  I don't know how much the dancers were paid to do this but I doubt it was much (they might have done this for free).  It's obvious to me that the person leading this team did not try motivation "techniques" with this group - - the energy of the group is a result of INSPIRATION.  When a team is inspired the energy goes WAY up.

How do you inspire a team (vs. motivate)?  Simple.  You use the Coach Approach to leadership.


Tom this is an example of a shared goal with a common task and then the proper completion.
All the people were in the flash mob for various reasons although they got into action quick, they all practiced independetly and came together for a common cause.
I feel the greates aspect is that once the action is complete they disperse.

This application lacks a direct tie back to work teams in that many of these people will never see each other again. They have no long term politics and issues repressed.
Much like an ER team they came together for a common cause (to Hammer Time) completed the task, had a measureable success (the video is now viral) and then they broke up.

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