How To Be Inspired and Inspiring – Everywhere, With Everyone, All The Time - with IATF Visiting Faculty Member Dr. Lance Secretan -- Leadership Skills TeleSeminar
December 09, 2009
As a leader, do you understand the difference between Motivation and Inspiration?
Your understanding of the difference between these two concepts is an indicator of the degree to which you and your team will experience success.
Clearly, the world needs more Inspirational leaders.
And how does one become an Inspirational leader? What is the path? Where is the path?
These questions are best answered by Dr. Lance Secretan, author of nine books, adviser to leaders, keynote speaker, and a recipient of the International Caring Award.
In this TeleSeminar, Dr. Secretan shares insights from his upcoming book "The Spark, The Flame and the Torch - How to be inspired and inspiring – everywhere, with everyone, all the time".
- The Spark – Knowing Who We Are: The Why-Be-Do; 5 Dynamics, Having ONE Dream
- The Flame – Living Higher Values : Practicing the CASTLE Principles; The Metaphor of Skiing
- The Torch: Promethean Leadership; Paying it Forward; Making the world a Better Place Than We Found It.
Call Details
The Spark, The Flame and the Torch - How to be inspired and inspiring – everywhere, with everyone, all the time.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 70 minutes
Dr. Lance Secretan, IATF Visiting Faculty Member
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF
Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!
Download the recording of this call HERE. IATF members have access to an entire library of recordings with teamwork and leadership luminaries. Learn more about IATF membership HERE.
Registration is closed.
In the 90 second video clip below, Dr. Secretan shares insights on Inspiration.