How "Linchpins" are Transforming Organizations with Seth Godin -- Leadership TeleSeminar Recording
April 15, 2010
Seth Godin's new book "Linchpin - Are You Indispensable?" is amazing (215 reviews at amazon with a 4.5/5 avg rating). If you work in the field of team and leadership development you MUST read this book. I downloaded the audio version from and I'm on my third listen and each time I get something new.
What is a "Linchpin" and how do they transform teams and organizations?
Some people are valuable, but if you want to be invaluable, or even indispensable, you have to be a linchpin. Linchpins are so vital to the organization that you wouldn’t be able to replace them. They hold it all together.
In TRIBES, Seth encouraged us to lead. In Linchpin he goes further, pleading with the reader to be the indispensable member of a Tribe.
Seth says Linchpins are artists and THE primary attribute of the artist is her ability to do "emotional work".
Artist Hugh MacLeod comments on "emotional work"...
The only people who have a hope of becoming linchpins in any organization, who have any hope of changing anything for the better in real terms, are those who have the capacity to do “emotional work” at a high level—to be true artists at whatever they set their minds on doing. The guys who just plod around the office corridors, just turning up for their paycheck.... Well, those guys don’t have a prayer, poor things. The world is just too interesting and competitive now.
Linchpins don’t worry about what’s in it for them, but instead focus on giving gifts that change people.
If you are to be successful, if you are going to change the world through your work as a Teamwork Facilitator, you must be doing emotional work and giving gifts.
In this interactive TeleSeminar Seth will help us understand the role of the Linchpin in teams and organizations. We'll explore how you can cultivate Linchpins on your team and how best to lead them.
This live TeleSeminar represents an amazing opportunity to spend time with Seth Godin to learn first hand about Linchpins and teamwork so I urge you to come to this call prepared. Study some of the Linchpin material HERE before the call.
>>> NOTE: We will likely exceed our phone line capacity for this call so arrive early to secure your spot!
I look forward to having you join us for this call.CALL DETAILS
Seth Godin, author of Linchpin - Are You Indispensable?
Tom Heck, IATF President & Founder
runs for 60 minutes
This call was recorded and the recording is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.
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