Teams In Transition: 6 Tips to Coach Teams Through the Storm -- Leadership TeleSeminar Recording
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Secrets To Leading Gen-Y in the Workplace with special guest Bea Fields -- LeadershipTeleSeminar Recording

Are you having difficulty leading your Gen-Y team members?

You already know Gen-Y is unlike any other generation you've had the opportunity to lead.

Geny_groupThey are the children of the Baby Boomers and are now the largest generation in the history of the world.  This is the generation you must learn to lead if you are to be successful!

Employers thought Gen-Y would simply be an extension of Gen-X or Boomers but that hasn't been the case at all.

About Gen-Y

  • Enjoy working together and are highly connected (always on computers, cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, social networking, blogs, multi-player gaming, etc.)
  • Seek work-life balance
  • Expect to be highly successful and are upbeat
  • Reward and recognition driven
  • Short term focused
  • Supremely tech savvy
  • Want managers they can admire

If you try to manage Gen-Y using an old, outdated, command-and-control style of leadership, this generation will walk out your door before lunch.  And before the end of the day, they'll blog, IM, and text about their experience with you (warning their friends to stay away).

Times have changed and leaders must change with the times or be left behind.

If you're a leader looking for answers to your Gen-Y in the workplace issues then you need to know about Bea Fields.

Bea_fields_120 Bea Fields is a coauthor of Millennial Leaders and is a Gen-Y in the workplace expert.  Bea travels around the country and works with cutting edge organizations (large and small) who recognize the writing on the wall and want to change the way they're doing business and become supremely attractive to Gen-Y employees.

If you hire, train, or lead Gen-Y you need to know what Bea Fields is teaching.

Bea is an IATF Visiting Faculty Member and will be our special guest on this FREE leadership skills TeleSeminar.  In addition to sharing her unique and specialized knowledge of Gen-Y during the call, Bea will alos offer a Q&A session so you have a chance to talk with Bea one-on-one to get your Gen-Y questions answered.




Secrets To Leading Gen-Y in the Workplace


Bea Fields, President of Bea Fields Companies, Inc.

Tom Heck, IATF President & Founder


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


The recording of this TeleSeminar is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.


CLICK HERE to register (it's free).  Registration is closed.


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