Do More Great Work -- with special guest Michael Bungay Stanier - Leadership TeleSeminar Recording
May 05, 2010
You’re up to your eyeballs answering email, returning phone calls, attending meetings, scrambling to get things done. But when did being busy become a measure of success?
It’s time to do more of the work that means something to you, stretches you and makes a difference.
This is true for you AND your team!
Our guest for this special interactive TeleSeminar is "Great Work" expert Michael Bungay Stanier.
In our last call with Michael, we talked about the fundamentals of Good Work and Great Work and shared a tool that can be used individually and for a team to help them do more Great Work.
In this class, we'll tackle...
- The greatest barrier to doing more Great Work
- The three fundamental attributes you and your teams need to do more Great Work
- A tool and a process to help any team have more impact in their work
Please join us for an interactive, fun and practical TeleClass that will give you new tools and insights for the work you’re doing with teams and leaders.
Do More Great Work: Stop the busywork and start the work that matters
In Michael Bungay Stanier’s Do More Great Work you’ll find fifteen ‘maps’, practical exercises to help you identify how to find, start and sustain more Great Work. Amongst other things you’ll learn:
- Where to find clues to your own Great Work. (They’re all around you.)
- How to locate the sweet spot between what you want to do and what your organization wants you to do.
- Tactics to best manage the overwhelm.
- How to double the likelihood you’ll do what you want to do.
There are also original contributions from leading thinkers like Seth Godin, Dave Ulrich, Michael Port, Penelope Trunk, Leo Babauta and Chris Guillebeau on how to do more of the important stuff.
To do more Great Work you need focus, you need courage and you need resilience. Do More Great Work will help you find all that and more.
Call Details
Do More Great Work TeleClassDATE
Thursday, May 27, 2010TIME
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)PRESENTERS
runs for 70 minutes
- Michael Bungay Stanier, IATF Visiting Faculty Member
- Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF
Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!RECORDING
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