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February 2011

How To Use Courage To Transform The Workplace with best selling author Bill Treasurer -- Recorded Leadership TeleSeminar

Carnival of SoulsImage via Wikipedia

Courage is critical to personal and organizational success. But in times of economic instability, such as right now, fear directs workers’ behaviors, causing them to be distracted, afraid, and unproductive…just when their companies need them to be the opposite.

Fear is bad for business because it causes workers to become overly preoccupied with safety-seeking.

Courageous workers, by contrast, step up to challenges, seek out leadership roles, and assert innovative ideas…all for the good of the company.

This teleseminar will provide practical strategies for building workforce courage so workers can become “opportunity seekers”.

Key Topics to be Covered:

  • The impact that fear and comfort have on individual performance
  • Three distinct types of courage and how to differentiate among them
  • How to create an environment that supports courageous behavior
  • The differences between managers who encourage workers, and those who discourage them, what Bill calls Fillers and Spillers
  • Tips on how to be more courageous and how to inspire more courageous behavior among those you lead

The workplace is fraught with daily challenges—challenges that may provoke fear, stress, or even excitement; but challenges nonetheless. These challenges can, potentially, inspire our courage or undermine our performance. This teleseminar will help attendees enlarge their Courage Capacity so they can meet organizational challenges with more confidence and less fear. 

About our guest speaker...

Bill_treasurer Bill Treasurer is founder of Giant Leap Consulting, and the author of the new off-the-shelf training program, Courageous Leadership: Using Courage to Transform the Workplace.

Bill is widely recognized as pioneer in the new organizational development practice of “courage-building”, and is author of Courage Goes to Work (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2008), an internationally bestselling book about how to build workforce courage.

Bill is also a former member of the U.S. High Diving Team, and performed over 1500 high dives from heights that scaled to over 100 feet. Bills insights about workplace courage have been featured in over 100 national newspapers and magazines.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Bill Treasurer and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


Courageous Ledership -- How To Use Courage to Transform the Workplace


Thursday, February 10, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes
BONUS:  An optional 15 - 20 minute virtual "meet and greet" session will follow this program.


Bill Treasurer, author of the bestseller "Courageous Ledership -- Using Courage to Transform the Workplace"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This Leadership TeleSeminar was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

View video below of Bill Treasurer below speaking about Courage In The Workplace

NY Times: "competitiveness will be more about organizing relationships than amassing force"

In the January 24, 2011 issue of the NY Times, David Brooks shares his thoughts on what it means for the United States to remain competitive in the global economy.  Two of the paragraphs literally jumped off the page for me:

In the 20th century, America was the Big Dog nation. We had more money, more resources and more skilled labor, and we could outcompete our rivals by dominating the inputs and the outputs — by pouring in more talent, greater investments and more resources.

In the 21st century, the U.S. will no longer be the Big Dog. Human capital will be more broadly dispersed. There will be an array of affluent nations fully engaged in the global economy. Therefore, competitiveness will be more about organizing relationships than amassing force. To thrive, America will have to be the crossroads nation where global talent congregates and collaborates.

Brooks is right on target.

What all of us know who work with teams and teach teamwork is that relationships are the foundation of high performing teams.  Relationships make teams and organizations competitive.

Before the world became flat, leaders didn't need to focus on relationships so much.  We were competing with organizations inside our borders.  Organizations could remain competitive simply by buying the latest technology (phone, fax, computer, etc.).  Then the cost of technology dropped so low that a teenager with a $200 netbook could compete with some of the largest companies on the planet.

The landscape has changed.

Money alone no longer gives you the competitive edge.

Here's how you stay competitive in today's flat world:  become masterful at building and leading inspired teams.

We are now in the "inspiration economy" - - our economic success is determined by our ability to (A) be personally inspired and (B) inspire others.

The path to becoming an inspired leader is here:  Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

Newsletter of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators -- January 2011


Tom_heck_120Hello IATF Community! 

I hope you've started 2011 with a vision that inspires you and brings out the best in others. After a great deal of introspection and conversations with my friends, mentors, and members I've set an organizational vision that revolves around helping nonprofits grow inspired teams. We've already taken major steps in this arena by enrolling managers and supervisors from a number of nonprofits from across the country in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program which begins January 25, 2011. If you work for a nonprofit or a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) anywhere in the world I want to talk with you about how the IATF can help you grow inspired teams within your organization!

I'm excited to support you and the great work you're doing in the world.

Tom Heck
President & Founder
International Association of Teamwork Facilitators
[email protected]
office (828) 348-4677

Upcoming TeleSeminars

The Stories We Create -- Narrative and Engagement in Organizations with special guest David Hutchens with special guest David Hutchens a bestselling author, and creator of the Learning Fables series of books.
January 19, 2011 at 1pm EST
CLICK HERE to register.  FREE

How To Take a Breather (and remain successful) with special guest Gregg Levoy, bestselling author of "Callings -- Finding And Following An Authentic Life"
February 2, 2011 at 1 pm EST
CLICK HERE to register. FREE

Courageous Leadership -- A Program For Using Courage to Transform the Workplace with special guest Bill Treasurer, bestselling author of "Courage Goes To Work."
February 10, 2011 at 1 pm EST
Mark your calendar! Link to register coming soon!

Free Team & Leadership Development Recordings

The following free teambuilding resources will remain available to everyone for the next 72 hours and then they will be archived in the IATF Members Only Area.

  • Secrets to Facilitating "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" with Pat Richie, Principal Consultant at the Table Group     Get the audio recording of this TeleSeminar for free CLICK HERE
  • The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age    Get the audio recording, handout, bonus material, and the slide deck for free.  CLICK HERE
  • How To Achieve Full Alignment -- Practical Steps to Transform Your Life (or Team) Vision into Action   Get the audio recording of this TeleSeminar for free CLICK HERE

Video Training

  • Netflix CEO Shares Secrets for Running a Successful Company  CLICK HERE
  • 5 Steps To Excel at Work  CLICK HERE
  • How learning can more fully support organizational performance  CLICK HERE
  • If You've Never Failed, You've Never Lived  CLICK HERE

Funny Teamwork  

  • How To Safely Greet Someone in a Team Meeting  CLICK HERE
  • Marching Band Kicks Giant Ball  CLICK HERE

NEW Teambuilding Book / Game System


I've just completed a brand new teambuilding games book that's taken three years to create.  It's not just a book, it's a teambuilding games system that fits in your back pocket!  This new system includes 30 laminated "Teamwork Cards", a 150 page book which thoroughly describes how to lead all the teambuilding games PLUS a series of debriefing (processing) activities (all using the cards).  To top it off I've created a DVD showing all the games in action. It's a sweet package that's perfect for anyone who needs a highly portable, multi-use, all-in-one teambuilding games system. 

You wouldn't believe what it's taken to get this ready to market - - years of testing and improving and then finding a printer that could handle the book, cards, and DVD production.  Everying is now in place and I'll soon announce how you can get your set at a special introductory launch price!  Keep an eye out for an email arriving in your inbox soon!




Traveling by Air to Training Events -- Are TSA full body scanners dangerous?

Tsa_body_scanner Have you passed through a TSA full body backscatter radiation scanner at the airport? 

Do you send staff to training events that require air travel? 

If you answered yes to either question then you might find this article at the techy blog BoingBoing important:

Jason Bell, "a molecular biologist and biophysicist... a Ph.D. candidate in Steve Kowalczykowski's lab at UC Davis," has posted a detailed critique of the research on the safety of airport backscatter radiation scanners. His specialty is the "molecular mechanism of how mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA2, result in cancer," and he's posted a detailed, lay-friendly explanation of the scientific concerns expressed by the UCSF team that believes that they are unsafe for use.

CLICK HERE for the full story

You can participate in the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program from the comfort of your home or office.  It's the IATF's premier distance learning leadership development program and it WORKS!

How to Build a Bulletproof Company Culture -- GET NAKED!

Lencioni_getting_naked In this new and provocative book, Pat unveils a revolutionary approach to client service that yields uncommon levels of trust and loyalty.

In Getting Naked, Pat challenges service providers to be completely transparent and vulnerable with clients in order to overcome the three fears that ultimately sabotage client allegiance.

Written for internal or external consultants, financial advisors or anyone serving long-term clients, Getting Naked will provide powerful, actionable tools to help readers overcome the three fears and gain a real, lasting competitive advantage.


CLICK HERE to read a great article based on this book from INC Magazine entitled "How to Build a Bulletproof Company Culture"

CLICK HERE to access all the free resources provided by the author including the outline of the model, a summary article, author Q&A, brief examples of the Getting Naked Approach.


How learning can more fully support organizational performance

In this video, Dr. Will Thalheimer shares his revolutionary Learning Landscape Model for workplace learning-and-performance professionals.

Based on years of research from preeminent scientific refereed journals on learning, memory, and instruction---and wisdom from the practical crucible of real workplace learning situations---the model helps guide instructional design and work-learning design and evaluation, while simultaneously being a great starting point for conversations with our organizational stakeholders who need to know how learning can more fully support organizational performance.

(thank you Mike Cardus)


5 Steps To Excel At Work

Your job as a manager is getting harder all the time. But your most critical responsibility–especially in today’s world of intensifying competition and economic stress–is how to help your people shine their brightest.

What do you do when your most talented employees fall short of their potential?

How do you inspire a solid contributor to strive for more?

What should you try if a star player falls off their game?

In this video Dr. Edward Hallowell outlines the five steps necessary to excel at work: select, connect, play, grapple and shine.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Dr. Hallowell's new book SHINE.


How To Take A Breather (and remain successful) with "Callings" expert Gregg Levoy -- recorded leadership training event


We belong to a work-obsessed culture
whose busyness-as-usual makes us forget that discipline also means knowing when to knock off.

Just as the ear needs “rests” when listening to music, we each need time to linger and reflect in the onrushing of life, time when we’re not engaged in what the Taoists refer to as “the ten thousand things.”

When we’re giving off nothing but busy signals, the calls of spirit, of soul, of the deep self can’t get through.

This TeleSeminar examines the challenges and benedictions of taking breathers, of remembering that life is meant to be savored and not just worked at.

Gregg_levoy Our guest speaker for this special event is Gregg Levoy, bestselling author of Callings -- Finding and Following an Authentic Life.

Gregg is a former adjunct professor of journalism at the University of New Mexico, and former columnist and reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer and USA Today. He has written about the subject of callings for the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Omni, Psychology Today, Reader's Digest, and many others. He has also been a frequent guest of the media, including ABC-TV, CNN, NPR and PBS.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Gregg and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


How To Take A Breather (and remain successful)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes
BONUS:  An optional 15 - 20 minute virtual "meet and greet" session will follow this program.


Gregg Levoy, author of the bestseller "Callings -- Finding And Following An Authentic Life"best selling author

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE!  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


During the call Gregg mentions an article entitled  "Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli" that appeared in the New Yorker magazine.  Download the article in the IATF Members Only Area.

View video below of Gregg Levoy in action


The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age

Recording of TeleSeminar and Resources available below.

Register now for the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

Today’s leaders must evolve.  They must make a shift away from a traditional command and control style of leadership to a style of leadership that focuses on energizing and empowering people.

The old way of leading was about motivation - - a short-term, externally based, "technique" driven approach to moving people into action. 

"How can I motivate my team?" was the old question.  Asking this question keeps leaders caught in a downward spiral where they are:

  • Managing merely for results
  • Babysitting the employees’ smallness
  • Trying to eliminate mistakes
  • Creating adrenaline through deadlines
  • Solving all the problems

The old style of leadership is a HUGE energy drain.

Clapping_group_250 The new style of leadership - the style of leadership cutting edge managers and supervisors around the world are moving to - is all about INSPIRATION.

Leadership through INSPIRATION is most easily defined as the "Coach Approach" to leadership.

"How can I inspire my team?" is the question asked by the Coach Leader. 

There are 7 distinct qualities embodied by the Coach Leader that make them naturally inspirational leaders. These include:

  • Coach Leaders are models for others, not just expert managers.
  • Coach Leaders create problem free zones versus being expert problem solvers.
  • Coach Leaders have more then they need.

Join IATF President & Founder Tom Heck for this interactive and thought provoking TeleSeminar.

Call Details 


The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


  • starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
  • runs for 70 minutes


Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


CLICK HERE to access the recording. 


Click on the link below to access the slide deck used during this event

Download 7_Qualities_of_the_Leader_As_Coach_Dec_2010

Click on the link below for the class handout

Download PARTICIPANT - 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach

CLICK HERE for the Adrenaline Addiction Self Assessment

CLICK HERE for the audio interview with Jack Canfield

CLICK HERE for the Leader As Coach Self Assessment

Learn how to inspire your team while making your life as a leader more fulfilling in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.