Evan Marcus: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #5] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar
Rick Tamlyn: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #7] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar

Doug Silsbee: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #6] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


Our sixth guest for the Spiritual Nature of Team Building TeleSeminar series is Doug Silsbee.

My friend Doug is a leader in the arena of professional coaching - - specifically, "presence-based leadership development". Doug's approach to leadership and teams is profoundly spiritual.

In addition to the significant contributions Doug is making in the world of one-on-one leadership coaching, Doug is a seasoned teambuilding expert having worked with clients around the world.

Doug says we are all being called to actions that lift others, that are responsible to the precarious state of our planet’s resources, and that assume meaning through our ever-widening circles of concern.

One of Doug's clients says:

"Doug's approach goes way beyond the standard platitudes to reach deeply into the areas of human consciousness and experience where things really happen, where meaningful change and growth can and does occur."

~ Harrison Owen, author, Open Space Technology.


Presence_based_coaching_bookDoug Silsbee is the author of Presence-Based Coaching: Cultivating Self-Generative Leaders Through Mind, Body and Heart which offers a practical map to the territory of working with presence, both within yourself and in your coaching and developing of others. First, we explore presence as an essential element of human learning and development. Second, the book provides extensive inner and relational coaching moves, brought to life through illustrative dialogs, for bringing presence into coaching. The result? Self-generative, authentic, and effective leaders.




This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach
  • manager or supervisor

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #6] -- with special guest Doug Silsbee.


Thursday,   May 3, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Doug Silsbee -- leadership coach, trainer of coaches, speaker, and author

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.




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