Barry Rellaford: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #4] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar
Evan Marcus: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #5] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar

GO Team! -- Team Assessment & Workshop


GO Team Workshops & Team Assessment

18 Team Critical Topics

Team Assessment Determines Your Precise Needs



Do you have a team that needs to perform at a much higher level?

Our GO Team workshops represent a complete team-training and team building system designed to support all kinds of organizational teams - from brand new teams to those who have been together for a while. Temporary or long-term groups. Entry level or executive level. “Real teams” or just a group of people. Whenever you have a group or team that needs to work together better, our GO Team workshops deliver fast and fun team development.

Our GO Team workshops will help your team make the shift from good to great so you're not only more empowered to do your great work in the world, but you have the skills to do it more effectively.


The Training Modules

The GO Team Workshops cover 18 team critical topics.  These topics are divided into three "levels".

LEVEL  1 -- Setup for Success     (click here to learn more about LEVEL 1)

  • Getting Grounded in Team Basics
  • Creating Team Operating Guidelines
  • Establishing Team Purpose and Goals
  • Clarifying Team Roles
  • Building on Style Differences
  • Assessing the Team

LEVEL 2 --Go Team!    (click here to learn more about LEVEL 2)

  • Enhancing Team Communication
  • Running Effective Team Meetings
  • Making Team Decisions
  • Avoiding Groupthink
  • Resolving Team Conflict
  • Solving Team Issues

LEVEL  3 -- See You At The Top    (click here to learn more about LEVEL 3)

  • Building Team Trust
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Sharing Leadership
  • Sparking Team Creativity
  • Managing Change
  • Leveraging Team Learning


Team Assessment

Lots of teams know they could work more effectively but few know exactly WHERE to start. To address this challenge we provide a team assessment which will determine exactly where your team is strong and where it has opportunities for growth. Using the results of the assessment, we will work with you to design a workshop that produces the results you most need which means you get the greatest Return On Investment (ROI).

HOW IT WORKS -- Your team members will take a 35 question "GO Team" assessment that will measure their strengths and weaknesses in 17 key team areas.  The assessment is taken online and you (the team leader) are provided with a detailed report (PDF document).  You will then have the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one coaching conversation with IATF President Tom Heck where you'll map out a clear plan for your team's success.

It's common for an online team assessment along with a one-on-one coaching session to cost $5,000 or more.  However, we provide this team assessment and coaching for only $2,500.

Are you ready to schedule your team assessment?  Do you have questions about the process?  Please contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

IATF Support Team
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (828) 665-0303

Workshop Design

The GO Team workshops are presented live (face-to-face). These workshops utilize interactive learning, are dialogue-based, and driven by the members of the team. No PowerPoints.  No lectures. Immediately actionable.

Action Learning

All IATF GO Team workshops include action learning (experiential learning) components. IATF presenters are experts at incorporating action learning in workshops.  We wrote the book on this topic -- literally.  Trainers in 36 countries incorporate IATF action learning principles in their programs. The IATF Go Team workshops will engage your team's mind, body and spirit to produce deep and memorable learning.



Length of Workshops

Each module (there are 18 total) takes between 2 and 4 hours to complete. Modules can be combined to create workshops of any length (half day, full day, multi-day).

Size of Workshop 

A typical workshop serves an intact team of 7-12 people.  We can also custom design programs for larger groups containing multiple intact teams.

Participant Workbooks

 Each participant receives a high quality, value rich, printed workshop manual (one manual per workshop/module) to take home and use as a reference. (details below)

The Workbooks

GO Team is a library of 18 team-focused topics (modules), divided into three levels:

LEVEL  1 -- Setup For Success!

LEVEL  2 -- Go Team!

LEVEL  3 -- See You At The Top!

The power of GO Team is that it allows you to build a learning agenda tailored to your team’s needs. It’s not necessary to complete the levels in sequence. You may choose topics from any of the levels, all dictated by the needs of your team.


Discovering new terms and models

GO Team workshops are built on principles of adult learning theory, so exercises are always active, dialogue-based, and connected to the team’s immediate need. Often, the module will begin with an introduction to new models and terms, and offer learners a fresh way to think about the topic.




Time to get up and move!

The “reading and writing” part of this module is now over. It’s time for learners to get out of their chairs and take some action!

Using clear, visual instructions, modules lead learners through processes for understanding their context, clarifying their thinking, identifying new behaviors, and creating consensus.

As learners explore the exercises in each module, they are learning important skills for dialogue, brainstorming, drawing out their own assumptions… and working together as a team!



Moments of reflection.

As learners work through more and more modules of GO Team, they will become adept at continually reflecting on their own behaviors, discussing them, and making change… all without defensiveness. Imagine that.

The module on trust, for example, features a “create your own assessment” exercise in which learners first identify the trust behaviors specific to this team… and then collectively assess themselves against those very same behaviors.



Taking Action.

GO Team is all about making sustainable behavioral changes. Every one of the 18 modules ends with an action plan in which team members will discuss the specific actions they will take in the near and long term to ensure the concepts will take root in daily practice.




Half Day Workshop (1-2 modules) = $4,950

Full Day Workshop (3-5 modules) = $6,950

Multi-Day Workshop (5-18 modules) = $5,950/day

* Workshops are intended for intact teams of 7 - 12 people.  Pricing may be different for larger groups (contact us for quote).  Additional $12/person for module workbook.  Travel expenses are additional.

Contact Us

We're ready to answer all your questions.  Contact us to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

IATF Support Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (828) 665-0303