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Leadership Webinar (Google Hangout) with Bill Treasurer -- "Leaders Open Doors"


Watch the video in the IATF Members Only Area HERE.  




CLICK  HERE to watch the video recording. The link will take you to the IATF Members Only Area. Not an IATF member? CLICK HERE to join.

Leadership is the most overanalyzed, thoroughly dissected, and utterly confused topic in business.

In Leaders Open Doors, author Bill Treasurer helps lighten the leadership load by distilling that leaders are simply creators of opportunity for others.

Please join us for this live and interactive Google Hangout (webinar) when Bill will share present the idea of open-door leadership - - that is, the responsibility that leaders have for noticing, identifying, and creating opportunities for the benefit of people, organizations, and society.

Learn about the six unique "opportunity doors":

  1. the proving-ground door
  2. the thought-shifting door
  3. the door to a second chance
  4. the doors you open for others
  5. the door to personal transformation
  6. the door to your open heart

You'll learn that leadership isn’t a complex and abstract concept. It’s a set of practices and ideals passed from one person to another, across organizations and generations. Leadeship is a tradition that makes people’s lives better by opening doors of opportunities for them to thrive, achieve, and lead.


Event Details


Leaders Open Doors


Friday   May 17, 2013


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)

runs for 60 minutes


Bill TreasurerAuthor and Leadership Coach

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK  HERE to register. Free and open to the public. [registration is closed]


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is now archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.

Leadership Skills Google Hangout (Webinar): Author and Performance Coach Achim Nowak shares secrets for creating profound interpersonal connections for explosive business success


This video interview is now archived in the IATF Members Only Area


What is the best way for you to get ahead?

Answer:  Stop Communicating and Start Connecting!

Technology has transformed the way we communicate. We send and receive more and more emails every day. We text. We tweet. We have reduced our communications down to efficient sound bites—and at the same time, many of us seem to know less and less about how to connect. Deeply, profoundly connect.   

In this special IATF Google Hangout (webinar), acclaimed performance coach Achim Nowak will share his powerful 4 Levels of Connection.

1. Talk Level -- The essential skills to creating meaningful conversations

2. Power Level -- How to harness your own personal power

3. Intent Level -- How to show up alert, with purpose and full awareness of your goals

4. Energy Level -- The heart and soul level at which connections happen, personal energy makes for the depest and most lasting connections

Tested and honed through 15 years of coaching senior-level executives around the globe, Nowak’s techniques instantly transform the skills taught in traditional business communication and NLP programs.

People who connect deeply with others connect on these 4 levels: They shape conversations with effortless grace, and they play consciously with the unspoken elements of a connection—personal power, intention, and energy. The result? Infectious connections that accelerate personal success!   

offers simple language cues that deepen and shift the art of conversation. It breaks the idea of power into five tangible plugs that we can turn to—and turn on. These plugs recharge the quality of our connection with anyone we meet.

This book demystifies the experience of energy—the deepest of the four levels, and the root of any connection. It looks at how we access our energy. Remove energy blocks. Play with energy and own it.   

Join us for the live and interactive Google Hangout (webinar) and learn how to reshape the hidden forces of connection into simple, step-by-step actions. 

Event Details


How to Connect Deeply and Unleash the Energetic Leader Within


Thursday   May 2, 2013


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)

runs for 60 minutes


Achim Nowak, Author and Performance Coach

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. Free and open to the public. Registration is closed.


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.

Boston Fans Sing National Anthem

We are stronger together. 

We must rise above the fear and ignorance that produces violence.

Our work as teamwork facilitators is all about raising consciousness. It's all about bringing more love to this world.

I love this video showing fans at a Boston Bruins event singing the National Anthem a couple of days after the bombing tragedy in Boston.


"Adventures of a Geek Dad" -- my Ignite Asheville 2013 talk

I'm sharing this post on the IATF website because so many from the IATF community supported me in the following project (thank you all!)...

On February 19, 2013  I spoke at IGNITE Asheville. See my video below.

My talk was entitled "Adventures of a Geek Dad" and I won 1st place! The crazy thing is, I tried to back out of this event a couple of times. I honestly didn't think many people would be interested in what I had to say.

Although I've given many talks, this one was among the most difficult to prepare for and deliver. 

The difficulty stemmed from the format:  5 minutes long and slides auto advance every 15 seconds. 5 minutes is such a short amount of time. Every word counts. You'll see in the video that I got behind / out of sync with my slides - - so easy to do.

Assembling my slides took way longer then expected because I realized I had too much to say in 5 minutes and that meant I had too many slides. I had to eliminate, pair down, refine, etc. Not easy for a guy that likes to talk a lot.

The event organizers (all great people) provided a speaking coach and she was AWESOME. Her name is Angie Flynn-McIver of Executive Repertory. Angie met with me one-on-one and listened to my talk and asked me to make a couple of simple yet important changes. One tip she gave was to "get rid of the light saber". I was going to use a light saber during my talk but Angie said it would be distracting for me and the audience. I'm so glad I followed her advice on that one. 

Here are a few resources that helped a lot:

Scott Berkun -- Why And How To Give An IGNITE Talk

Scott Berkun's blog post on the same subject

IGNITE's tips for beginners

Jason Grigsby's "How To Give a Successful Ignite Presentation"

I bounced some ideas off of Ken Denmead at (Thank you Ken!).

The biggest realization I had was how vulnerable I felt talking about parenting, my kids, and doing geeky stuff with my kids. The place was sold out with 420 in attendance and I just wasn't used to talking on a subject so personal in front of so many people. 

Towards the end of my talk you'll see me get a little choked up when the slide of my daughter's thank you card is on the screen. That was a surprise. I practiced my talk so many times and not once did I have an emotional reaction to my daughter's card. Sharing that image with hundreds of people really did get me connected with why I do this Geek Dad stuff - - it's a great way to spend time with my kids.


Team Structure & Team Roles -- Webinar for Advanced Teamwork Facilitators

Team Roles & Team Structure



Facilitators of teams spend a lot of time dealing with issues of structure and roles.

This is true for new teams, and also for established teams where structure and roles shift over time.

In this enlightening session, Susan Gerke and David Hutchens -- creators of GO Team Resources -- will present fresh ways of thinking about structure and roles... and also present some simple, dynamic processes for engaging your team in an energizing dialogue around these critical issues.

This free webinar was developed exclusively for members of IATF. Brought to you by IATF Visiting Faculty Members  Susan Gerke and David Hutchens.

Susan_gerke Susan Gerke is the president of Gerke Consulting & Development where she designs, customizes and implements leadership and teamwork programs.  Her clients include Bank of the West, BHK Accountancy, City of Anaheim, Human Options, Orange Coast College, Sole Technology, UC Irvine, and Warner Bros.




David Hutchens, a bestselling author, and organizational learning consultant. He  has worked with IBM, The Coca-Cola Company, Wal-Mart, GE, Nike, and many others.





Together, Susan and David have created GO Team, a library of 18 easy-to-deliver team-training modules that allow you to build your own team training agenda.

This Webinar will be interactive allowing you to get your questions answered live during the session. It's "just in time" training and development! 

Event Details


New Lenses for Team Structure & Team Roles


Monday   April 8, 2013


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


Susan Gerke and David Hutchens, creators of GO Team Resources

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


We're using Google Plus Hangouts On Air for this live event. We will be broadcasting live video and taking your questions during the event. There is no charge to you. Everything is free as long as you have access to the internet.


This event was recorded and the recording is posted in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.