Leadership Webinar with special guest Mike Robbins -- "The Power of Authenticity"
August 16, 2013
RECORDING -- This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE. Membership information is HERE.
Create trust, confidence, and team unity by being real!
Authenticity is fundamental to relationships, communication, and success – for individuals, teams, and organizations.
Now more than ever, people, leaders, and groups must utilize the power of authenticity in order to build trust, resolve conflicts, and create cohesion.
Although it can be counter-intuitive, some fascinating research in the field of emotional intelligence is proving that being real, honest, and even vulnerable are key elements to individual and group success and engagement.
Our special guest for this interactive Google Hangout is Mike Robbins, author of the national best seller Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. In this live and interactive Google Hangout Mike will share how authenticity impacts relationships, trust, and productivity on teams.
Attend this event if you're interested in:
-- Improving communication, connection, and trust in a positive way
-- Enhancing your emotional intelligence (EQ)
-- Learning how to challenge people, leaders, and teams to look at, deal with, and talk about the “elephants in the room”
-- Help people effectively deal with conflicts and engage in difficult conversations successfully
-- Learning techniques for moving past fear and taking successful risks
Event Details
The Power of Authenticity -- How to create trust, confidence, and team unity by being real!
Thursday August 22, 2013
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 60 minutes
Mike Robbins, Author of Be Yourself - Everyone Else is Already Taken
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF
CLICK HERE to register. Free and open to the public.
This event is FREE.
This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE. Membership information is HERE.
Get The Book
Mike's book is a must read for all emerging and established leaders. CLICK HERE
Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.