Authors and Thought Leaders Interviewed for the IATF Community
==> NOTE: Click on the name to go to the interview (recording).
Seth Godin -- Author of multiple NY Times Best Sellers (interviewed Seth multiple times)
Dan Pink -- Author of the NY Times best seller A Whole New Mind and DRIVE
Dr. Ken Blanchard -- Author of multiple NY Times Best Sellers
Jack Canfield -- Coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and author of The Success Principles
David Allen -- Author of the NY Times best seller Getting Things Done
Parker Palmer -- Founder of the Center for Courage & Renewal and author of multiple best sellers including Let Your Life Speak - Listening for the Voice of Vocation and The Courage to Teach
Stephen M.R. Covey -- Author of The Speed of Trust
Joe Frontiera -- Coauthor of Team Turnarounds
Neil Howe -- Coauthor of The Fourth Turning
Dr. Relly Nadler -- Emotional Intelligence expert, author of Leading with Emotional Intelligence (multiple interviews)
Gretchen Rubin -- NY Times best selling author of The Happiness Project
Michael Goldman -- Facilitation expert, author
Dave Gray -- Author of Game Storming - How Games At Work Inspire Creativity
Susan Gerke & David Hutchens -- Creators of GO Team Resources
Les McKeown -- President and CEO of Predictable Success
Brian Biro -- Author of Beyond Success (interviewed Brian multiple times)
Dr. Steven Simpson -- Author of The Leader Who Is Hardly Known
Ali Brown -- "The entreprenurial guru for women" ~ Business News Daily
Dr. Lance Secretan -- Author of multiple best sellers on the topic of inspired leadership (interviewed Lance multiple times)
Michael Bungay Stanier -- Author of Do More Great Work
Bruce Tulgan -- Author of Not Everyone Gets a Trophy
Robyn Benincasa -- Firefighter, Adventure Racer, Speaker
Cynder Niemela -- Author, Teamwork & Leadership Coach
Dave Buck -- Author, CEO of, Leadership Coach
Barry Rellaford -- Author, Senior Trainer at FranklinCovey (multiple interviews)
Gregg Levoy -- Author of Callings - Finding and Following an Authentic Life
John David Mann -- Coauthor of the NY Times best seller The Go-Giver (multiple interviews)
Thomas Koulopoulos -- Author, lecturer, leading innovation consultant
Bea Fields -- Author, Leadership Coach
Kevin Eikenberry -- Author, Leadership Coach
Phil Lawler -- Author and noted leader in the Physical Education arena
Ron Clark -- Author of The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator's Rules For Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child
Dr. Haydn Hasty -- Author and noted expert on Emotional Intelligence
Dr. Edward Hallowell -- Author of multiple NY Times best sellers
Michael Herman -- Author and noted expert on Open Space Technology
Dr. Chris Cavert -- Author of multiple books and noted expert on Adventure Learning and Experiential Learning
Dr. Laurence Martel -- Author of multiple books on learning and teaching including The 7 Secrets of Learning Revealed
Andy Stefanovich -- Founder of PLAY (now known as PROPHET) the creative ideas company
Dr. Jasper Hunt -- Author and Experiential Learning thought leader, professor at Minnesota State University
Dr. Paul Pearsall -- Author of multiple NY Times best sellers including The Heart's Code
Randy Siegel -- Author, consultant, trainer and thought leader in communications
Dr. Roger Greenaway -- Author and Experiential Learning thought leader and owner of the popular blog for facilitators and trainers Active Reviewing
Laurie Beth Jones -- Author of multiple NY Times best sellers including Jesus, CEO
Sam Sikes -- Author, trainer, and noted expert in Experiential & Adventure Based Learning
Dr. George Kohlrieser -- Negotiations expert and author of Hostage at the Table
Marc Kielburger -- Coauthor of Me To We - Finding Meaning in a Material World, cofounder of Free The Children
Dr. Jim Cain -- Author of Teamwork & Teamplay, noted expert in Experiential and Adventure Based Education
John Taylor Gatto -- Award winning educator, author of multiple books including The Underground History of American Education
Mark Victor Hansen -- Coauthor of Chicken Soup For The Soul, the best selling series of books of all time.
Dr. Michael Gass -- Author of multiple books including "Essential Elements of Facilitation" and "Book of Metaphors", professor at the University of New Hampshire
Michael Port -- Author of multiple books including Book Yourself Solid, leadership coach, speaker
Ron McMillan -- Author of multiple books including the NY Times best seller Crucial Conversations
Liz Cornish -- Author of Hit the Ground Running: A Woman’s Guide to Success for the First 100 Days on the Job
Dr. Dan Garvey -- President of Prescott College and noted expert in the field of Experiential Education
Dr. Joe Vitale -- Author of multiple books including The Attractor Factor
Ernest Oriente and Judy Feld -- Authors of Smart Match Alliances, coaches, thought leaders
Michelle Cummings -- Author of multiple books on Experiential Learning
Rick Tamlyn -- Leadership coach and coauthor of The Bigger Game
Doug Silsbee -- Leadership coach and teacher, author of Presence-Based Coaching
Rabbi Shais Taub -- Spiritual teacher and leader, author of God of Our Understanding
Merrick Rosenberg -- President and Chief Learning Officer at Team Builders Plus, speaker, trainer, coach, author of Taking Flight
Scott Hartl -- President & CEO of Expeditionary Learning
Susan Gerke -- Virtual Teams expert and author of The I in TEAM
Ed Manning -- Leadership coach, trainer, author of Alchemy for Leaders
John Birch -- Leadership coach, trainer, consultant
Katherine Crowley & Kathi Elster -- Authors of Working for You Isn't Working for Me
Bill Treasurer -- Author of multiple books including Courage Goes To Work (multiple interviews)
Pat Richie -- Senior leadership trainer with The Table Group / Patrick Lencioni
Anthony Sillard -- Leadership coach and author of Full Alignment
Mike Cardus -- Team and leadership coach, author, director of Create-Learning
Christine Martell -- Facilitation expert, author
Karen Valencic -- Leadership expert, trainer, author of Spiral Impact - The Power to Get it Done With Grace
Alex Scordelis -- Founder of Improv Everywhere and author of Causing a Scene
Melanie Benson Strick -- Virtual Teams expert
Brian Burt -- Founder of Maestro Conference and Virtual Teams expert
Jenn Sramek -- Virtual Teams expert, Project Manager and Partner at
Shaun Callahan -- Virtual Communities expert, Chief Involvement Officer at
Jessica Lipnack -- Virtual Teams expert, author of
Charles Feltman -- Trust at work expert, author of The Thin Book of Trust
Mark Silver -- Small business expert, leadership coach, trainer
Michael Losier -- Best selling author of Law of Attraction, guest on Oprah
more coming soon...