To Bring Out The Best In Millennials, Put On Your Coaching Hat

Do you lead a team composed fully or partially with Millennials? If you're like many of the Gen-X or Gen-Y or Baby Boomers you're likely having a difficult time leading them.

From Fast Company Magazine:

In the last five years, a growing number of studies and surveys have highlighted the importance of innovation for the economic health of companies and countries. Perhaps the most significant survey related to innovation was conducted in 2011 by GE, which interviewed a thousand senior business executives in twelve countries. They found that "95% of respondents believe innovation is the main lever for a more competitive national economy and 88% of respondents believe innovation is the best way to create jobs in their country."

Companies need innovators--individuals who willing to take risks and who bring a spark of imagination and initiative to whatever they do. And millennials--because they have grown up as "digital natives" who use technologies to learn, connect, collaborate, and create on a daily basis--are a huge potential talent pool for companies. They are driven to create and to make a difference in the world more than any generation in history. However, as I discovered in researching my new book Creating Innovators, many millennials are very averse to working for large corporations--and many companies, in turn, don't know how to work with this generation.

Ellen Kumata, who is managing director and partner at Cambria Consulting, works closely with senior executives in Fortune 100 companies. She told me that big corporations are "really nervous about the Millennial Generation. They work differently--and are not as focused on individual achievement. They don't want to 'make it' and see themselves in multiple jobs. The real question is, will organizations be able to capture their strengths?"

How do the Millennials work--what motivates them--and what must companies do to attract and retain highly talented twentysomethings?

CLICK HERE to continue reading this article.

Learn how to lead Millennials using the "Leader As Coach" leadership system.



The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age

Recording of TeleSeminar and Resources available below.

Register now for the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

Today’s leaders must evolve.  They must make a shift away from a traditional command and control style of leadership to a style of leadership that focuses on energizing and empowering people.

The old way of leading was about motivation - - a short-term, externally based, "technique" driven approach to moving people into action. 

"How can I motivate my team?" was the old question.  Asking this question keeps leaders caught in a downward spiral where they are:

  • Managing merely for results
  • Babysitting the employees’ smallness
  • Trying to eliminate mistakes
  • Creating adrenaline through deadlines
  • Solving all the problems

The old style of leadership is a HUGE energy drain.

Clapping_group_250 The new style of leadership - the style of leadership cutting edge managers and supervisors around the world are moving to - is all about INSPIRATION.

Leadership through INSPIRATION is most easily defined as the "Coach Approach" to leadership.

"How can I inspire my team?" is the question asked by the Coach Leader. 

There are 7 distinct qualities embodied by the Coach Leader that make them naturally inspirational leaders. These include:

  • Coach Leaders are models for others, not just expert managers.
  • Coach Leaders create problem free zones versus being expert problem solvers.
  • Coach Leaders have more then they need.

Join IATF President & Founder Tom Heck for this interactive and thought provoking TeleSeminar.

Call Details 


The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


  • starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
  • runs for 70 minutes


Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


CLICK HERE to access the recording. 


Click on the link below to access the slide deck used during this event

Download 7_Qualities_of_the_Leader_As_Coach_Dec_2010

Click on the link below for the class handout

Download PARTICIPANT - 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach

CLICK HERE for the Adrenaline Addiction Self Assessment

CLICK HERE for the audio interview with Jack Canfield

CLICK HERE for the Leader As Coach Self Assessment

Learn how to inspire your team while making your life as a leader more fulfilling in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

FREE Live Workshop in NYC: 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age

FREE Live Workshop!

WHEN:  Friday, November 5, 2010

WHERE:  New York City

7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Secrets to Leading in the Inspiration Age

The best leaders today use the coach approach to build high performing teams because it’s the most effective way to leverage the strengths of the team.

People who work with a Coach Leader are more creative, have higher job satisfaction, are more productive, and are more likely to become strong leaders themselves.

In order for you and your organization to thrive you must learn how to lead using coaching skills.

In this fun and interactive workshop you'll learn how to make the shift to a new model of leadership based on inspiration, abundance and personal responsibility.

This live workshop is based on the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program, a 7-week distance learning leadership development program developed by the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators.

About the Presenter

This session is being led by Tom Heck, President and Founder of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators (IATF). Tom is a veteran of the team and leadership development field and has trained leaders and Teamwork Facilitators from North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, Central & South America, and Australasia. The tools he’s developed (books, multimedia training CDs, teambuilding activities, audio programs, etc.) are used by managers, supervisors, facilitators, trainers and coaches to transform teams around the world.

How to Register

This event is open to the public and is made possible by the New York City Outward Bound School

To register for this event (it's free) contact Badari Ambatti, Program Manager at the NYC Outward Bound School Office:  

email    [email protected]

phone   (718) 706 9900  Ext.125

Who Should Attend?

Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Trainers, Facilitators, Coaches, Educators

This event is perfect for anyone who wants to inspire their team (not just motivate them).

Learn proven strategies, tactics and tools for building and leading inspired, high performing teams using the coach approach.

Event Details

WHEN:  Friday, November 5, 2010

TIME:  10 AM -- 12:30 PM EST (New York City time zone)

LOCATION:  NYC Outward Bound School Office
                    29-46 Northern Boulevard
                    Long Island City, NY 11101

6 Coaching Questions to Ask Your Direct Reports

QUESTION:  What is the # 1 area that leaders consistently score lowest in during a 360 degree feedback assessment?

ANSWER:  "provides effective coaching when needed"

Why do leaders (especially executives) rate so poorly when it comes to coaching?

  1. Knowledge Worker Syndrome -- A "knowledge worker" is, by definition, someone who knows more about what they are doing then their boss does."  How do you coach someone who knows more than you do?
  2. Too Busy -- Leaders are too busy to sit down and coach someone.
  3. Fear of Alienation -- Leaders are worried that they'll coach poorly (or the wrong way) and their direct report will think less of them.

SOLUTION: The Six Question Process developed by Marshall Goldsmith, executive advisor and best-selling author.

Executives who use The Six-Question Process almost always get dramatically higher scores from direct reports.  It's simple and it's fast, easy to implement.

Learn more about the Leader As Coach HERE.

The Universe Rewards Action, Not Thought -- lessons from a game

Russell Bishop, an Executive Coach and Performance Improvement Consultant relates a wonderful lesson he gained by playing a game at a workshop 40 years ago.

LESSON:  The Universe Rewards Action, Not Thought

Bishop explains the game setup...

The puzzle in front of us required a combination of creative thinking and creative action. The exercise was set up so that other participants could provide feedback about problem solving moves but weren't allowed to talk. They could provide feedback in the form of positive encouragement, in this case, applause, when I actually picked up and moved one of the puzzle pieces and did so in a way that indicated a "directionally correct" move.

In this particular puzzle, there were dozens and dozens of possible moves, but only a handful which would lead to a solution -- moves which were directionally correct. I spent a great deal of time thinking about possible solutions while my feedback mechanism, other participants whom the seminar leader referred to as "my universe," remained observant and completely quiet. Absent of action on my part, they had nothing to reward, no feedback to provide.

CLICK HERE to read the entire story (it's great!).

The biggest problem I see with team and leadership development programs is that participants are not held accountable for taking action on a regular basis.

I've discovered that it is ACTION, taking on a regular basis, that distinquishes the true leaders.  Far too many people are satified with enrolling in training and then sitting there passively, not taking any action.  Distance learning is the worst for this because it's so easy to be passive.

I've been teaching the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program since 2008 and I've learned that participants are way more likely to take action when the following is in place:

  1. Public declaration (promise) to the learning community to take action weekly (we call it "playing full out").
  2. Reporting weekly to an assigned study partner.
  3. Reporting weekly to a supervisor at work (or to an official accountability partner).
  4. Completing weekly progress notes which are read by your study partner and the instructor.
  5. One-on-one coaching weekly as needed (personal attention from instructor).
  6. Taking on a "Key Project" to be completed during the program.  This project requires the participant to stretch and grow.  Updates are provided weekly to the instructor, class, study partner, and supervisor.
  7. Instructor communicates weekly with the participant's supervisor, providing updates and answering any questions.

Taking action on a consistent basis is way more likely to happen when the above elements are in place.  When people take consistent action the results are often remarkable. 

How are you supporting those you serve to take action on a consistent basis?

Funny Teamwork Video -- the value of thinking ahead

The video clip below provides a demonstration of the phrase "Can't see the forest for the trees."

How many teams an organizations end up like this?  Well meaning people putting forth lots of effort only to realize they weren't thinking far enough ahead.

This is the value of a teamwork coach.  One of the coach's most important jobs is to anticipate and look into the future. 

"Is this the right thing for us to do?"

"What happens if we succeed?"

"Have you ever considered...?"

"What's the message here?"

"What question should you (we) be asking right now?"

Learn how to be a powerful team leader at the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program and you'll be able to see further into the future.

Video Message # 5 -- The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach (episode 5): The Coaching Agreement and Strong Teams

This is Video Message # 5 in a series entitled "The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach".

In this video, IATF President & Founder Tom Heck shares the fourth quality of the Leader As Coach:

  • The Leader As Coach has the agreement from staff to coach them.

Click on the link below to download the free 3-page document entitled "The Coach Approach - An Introduction to Coaching In The Organization".

Download Introduction_to_coaching_in_the_organization_1

OPPORTUNITY:  The live 7-week IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program starts on March 23, 2010.  This $695 program is FREE for all IATF members.  Join the IATF today and receive all member benefits.

Video Message # 4 -- The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach (episode 4): The power of "reserves" vs. Adrenaline Addiction

This is Video Message # 4 in a series entitled "The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach".

In this video IATF President & Founder Tom Heck shares the third quality of the Leader As Coach:

  • The Leader Coach has strong reserves.

CLICK HERE to access the free Adrenaline Addiction self-assessment and article "The Painful Reality of Adrenaline Addiction" by Patrick Lencioni.

OPPORTUNITY:  The live 7-week IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program starts on March 23, 2010.  This $695 program is FREE for all IATF members.  Join the IATF today and receive all member benefits.

Video Message # 3 -- The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach (episode 3): How to turn on the faucet of creativity!

This is Video Message # 3 in a series entitled "The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach".

In this video IATF President & Founder Tom Heck shares the second quality of the Leader As Coach:

  • The Leader Coach creates problem free zones versus being an expert problem solver.

CLICK HERE to access the free audio interview with David Allen, productivity guru and author of the NY Times best seller "Getting Things Done".

OPPORTUNITY:  The live 7-week IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program starts on March 23, 2010.  This $695 program is FREE for all IATF members.  Join the IATF today and receive all member benefits.

Video Message # 2 -- The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach (episode 2)

This is Video Message # 2 in a series entitled "The 7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach".

In this video IATF President & Founder Tom Heck shares the first quality of the Leader As Coach:

  • The Leader Coach is a model for others, not just an expert manager.

Click on the link below to download the 2-page handout mentioned in this video.

Download IATF_boundaries_mini_handout

OPPORTUNITY:  The live 7-week IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program starts on March 23, 2010.  This $695 program is FREE for all IATF members.  Join the IATF today and receive all member benefits.

Video Message # 1 -- The team and leadership development shift felt around the world

What is the # 1 team and leadership development shift happening in the world right now? 

Find out in this 5-minute video message from Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF.

OPPORTUNITY:  The live 7-week IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program starts on March 23, 2010.  This $695 program is FREE for all IATF members.  Join the IATF today and receive all member benefits.

Seth Godin says "Control is a losing strategy"

Seth Godin says "Control is a losing strategy."
Is there any doubt that the world is going to go faster, not slower?

Any doubt that non-state actors are going to have more influence on world affairs than ever before?

Any doubt that technology will continue pushing us along a slippery slope where control is not a winning strategy?

Control might be the goal of a typical politician, but the future belongs to linchpins, individuals with leverage, people willing to make a difference and do work that matters.

Read the article HERE.

So if you're in agreement with Seth, then what IS the best way to lead?  How about as a Leader Coach?

Chef tries to manage Gen-Y with fear and intimidation and fails - shares lessons

David_adjey Toxic bosses beware!  Gen-Y won't put up with you.

David Adjey used to be a toxic boss who would fire people for rolling their eyes at him.  He claims he ruled the kitchen through the use of fear and intimidation and it worked!  Until Gen-Y came on the scene.

Adjey is a world famous chef known for his recurring appearances as "chef-to-the-rescue" on the Food Network's Restaurant Makeover.

“I couldn't figure these kids out,” Adjey says about Gen-Y.  “They weren't listening to me.”

All the old rules of management had to be thrown out the window. And Adjey, at the top of his game as a chef, a TV star and an author, had to reinvent himself as a boss.

Adjey stopped using a traditional model of leadership (fear, intimidation, my way or the highway, etc.) and upgraded to a new, more dynamic model of leadership based on coaching skills.  Staff turnover dropped and morale went through the roof.

Before upgrading to this new leadership style, Adjey says "I had cooks quit on me because I wouldn't serve fair trade coffee at my restaurant!"

“These kids are the smartest generation that has ever worked for me. They are thinking about the world around them and how they can positively influence their environment.”

If you're ready to upgrade your leadership style so you can lead Gen-Y more effectively then enroll in the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

7 Qualities of the Leader As Coach -- Free TeleSeminar Recording

Today’s leaders must evolve.  They must make a shift away from a traditional command and control style of leadership to a style of leadership that focuses on energizing and empowering people.

The old way of leading was about motivation - - a short-term, externally based, "technique" driven approach to moving people into action. 

"How can I motivate my team?" was the old question.  Asking this question keeps leaders caught in a downward spiral where they are:

  • Managing merely for results
  • Babysitting the employees’ smallness
  • Trying to eliminate mistakes
  • Creating adrenaline through deadlines
  • Solving all the problems

The old style of leadership is a HUGE energy drain.

Clapping_group_250 The new style of leadership - the style of leadership cutting edge managers and supervisors around the world are moving to - is all about INSPIRATION.

Leadership through INSPIRATION is most easily defined as the "Coach Approach" to leadership.

"How can I inspire my team?" is the question asked by the Coach Leader. 

There are 7 distinct qualities embodied by the Coach Leader that make them naturally inspirational leaders. These include:

  • Coach Leaders are models for others, not just expert managers.
  • Coach Leaders create problem free zones versus being expert problem solvers.
  • Coach Leaders have more then they need.

In September 2008, IATF President & Founder Tom Heck delivered a free live TeleSeminar on the 7 Qualities of the Coach Leader. 

Free Recording

Click on the link below to download the 60 minute audio recording (mp3 format):

Download 7_qualities_of_the_coach_manager_090308_c.mp3

Handout For Class

Click on the link below to download your one-page handout (PDF)

Download 7_qualities_of_the_coach_manager_b.pdf

Learn how to inspire your team while making your life as a leader more fulfilling in the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program.

Gen-Y expert Bea Fields answers questions from leaders enrolled in the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program

Are you a manager who leads Gen-Y employees?  If you answered yes then you already know Gen-Y is unlike any other generation you've had the opportunity to lead.

About Gen-Y

  • Enjoy working together, are highly connected
  • Seek work-life balance
  • Expect to be highly successful, are upbeat
  • Reward and recognition driven
  • Short term focused
  • Supremely tech savvy
  • Want managers they can admire

If you try to manage Gen-Y using an old, outdated, command-and-control style of leadership, this generation will walk out your door before lunch.  And before the end of the day, they'll blog, IM, and text about their experience (warning their friends!).

Times have changed and managers must change with the times or be left behind.

The most effective way to lead Gen-Y is using a coach approach.

In the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program, participants learn how to make the shift from a traditional style of leadership to that of Leader-Coach.

The IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program is a new and highly interactive distance learning program led by Tom Heck, President and Founder of the IATF.

Bea_fields_120 Gen-Y expert Bea Fields (coauthor of Millennial Leaders) visited with the participants in the summer 2008 IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program session and she shared important information about how to manage Gen-Y.  Participants were able to ask questions and get specific answers to their management questions.

Click on the link below to listen to the 60-minute recording of Bea Fields when she visited the Leader As Coach Fast Track Program summer 2008 session.

Download 01_mac_guest_speaker_bea_fields.mp3

If you want to become a leader (or an employer) of choice among Gen-Y then you need to know what Bea Fields is teaching.

Are you ready to become a Leader-Coach?  CLICK HERE to read a detailed description of the IATF Leader As Coach Fast Track Program