Chad Littlefield interview -- "Two Concrete Tools for Asking Powerful Questions"

Click on the link below to access the 55 minute recording (mp3)



"Everybody you will ever meet knows something you don't." - Bill Nye

You are the expert of your own experience. How might we access the wisdom each person holds though?

If you are a leader, trainer, consultant, or facilitator, you want to have all the knowledge, ideas, and stories from the group on the table in order to do your best work. If you are working to break down silos and replace communication barriers with employee engagement and trusting relationships, asking powerful questions is a necessary tool to create that future.

In this engaging TeleSeminar, Chad Littlefield will share 2 Concrete Tools for Asking Powerful Questions that he learned from facilitating over 500 conversations between 5,000 strangers as a facilitator trainer at World in Conversation. Chad will blend learnings from neuroscience and his practical experience to give you practical nuggets that you can use immediately with the groups you serve. 

You'll also learn a bit more about the backstory to why and how he created We! Connect Cards which are being used in over 30 countries to create conversations that matter.

About the Presenter


Chad Littlefield is the co-founder of We!™ His passion and energy for connecting people becomes immediately apparent when working with him.

Chad has shared his energy through designing and delivering programs for technology companies, startups, and nonprofits, as well as on the stage at TEDx (watch here).

As a professional speaker and facilitator, Chad designs fun, challenging, and engaging experiences and tools that connect people to people, and people to ideas. He has also worked as an instructor at Penn State University teaching students the art and science of team development facilitation and dialogue facilitation.

Chad holds a masters degree in Learning, Design, & Technology, and believes in the deeper learning that comes through experience. He captures this philosophy in his new book titled: a Pocket Guide to Facilitation Human Connections. Chad also led the design team that created We! Connect Cards turning his passion for asking powerful questions into a card deck that other people can use to create conversations that matter. Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF uses We! Connect Cards and loves them.

This TeleSeminar is for you if:

  • You're a leader.
  • You want to learn how to tap into the wisdom of your team.
  • You like to learn new facilitation skills. 

Ask your questions and get answers in this live interview! 


Event Details


"Two Concrete Tools for Asking Powerful Questions"


Wednesday  November 18, 2015


Starts at 12 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 55 minutes


Chad Littlefield, developer of "We! Connect Cards

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


This event is FREE.


No need to register. Simply call 828-380-4393 (no "pin" needed). We'll also be live on the web at

NOTE: There is a 100 person limit to this event.

PHONE / How To Participate

This will be an interactive interview. You'll get to ask Chad Littlefield questions via a chat window and via audio!

At the time listed above, simply call:

Phone: 828-380-4393  (no "pin" needed)

or join via the web from anywhere in the world:


This event was recorded and the recording is posted in the IATF Members Only Area

The 55 minute recording (mp3) is available for a limited time on this page for all to access. Click on the link below. 





Watch Chad Littlefield on the TEDx stage: 


David Hutchens interview -- "Telling Stories and Making Meaning"


 CLICK HERE to access the 57 minute audio recording (mp3).

If you’re a leader, you’re the narrator. Today, more and more organizations are recognizing the power of narrative and story as a core leadership discipline.

Are you building a brand? Tell a story. Speeding the change process? Tell a story. Are you looking for powerful ways to preserve your culture, archive knowledge, and engage your people and your marketplace? Tell a story!

Storytelling is the engagement secret of great leaders.

In this fun TeleSeminar, bestselling business author David Hutchens will introduce you to the fast-growing body of theory around organizational narrative. You will learn how organizations are using narrative to more purposefully create meaning and engagement with their many stakeholder groups; and you will explore ways that stories can be presented as collaborative tools that generate learning and shared meaning.

Then, you’ll be ready to start identifying the narrative assets that define your leadership and your organization.

About the Presenter

David Hutchens is an author, business writer and learning designer who creates communication solutions for The Coca-Cola Company, Wal-Mart, IBM, GE, Nike, Bank of America, and others. He served as chairman of Storytelling in Organizations, a special interest group of the globally renowned National Storytelling Network.


He speaks to organizations and leadership teams all around the world on the topic of storytelling as an organizational capacity. His new book is “Circle of the 9 Muses: A Storytelling Field Guide for Innovators and Meaning Makers,” Wiley & Sons 2015


He is creator of the Learning Fables -- a book series that uses narrative and metaphor to illustrate principles of organizational learning. With titles that include "Outlearning the Wolves" and "Shadows of the Neanderthal," the popular business fables have have sold more than a quarter-million copies in over a dozen languages.

He is author of the book "A Slice of Trust: The Leadership Secret with the Hot & Fruity Filling,” which features a foreword by Stephen M.R. Covey.

In partnership with The Conference Board, he is creator and lead facilitator of The Team USA Leadership Experience, at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado springs; and he also facilitates The Apollo Leadership Experience at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

A nationally recognized developer of innovative learning products, David's work has been recognized with distinctions such as Training & Development's "Training Product of the Year" award; ASTD's prestigious "Excellence in Practice" award; Brandon Hall Gold award, and more.

David's newest product is "GO Team: Powering Teams to Perform," a just-in-time team training resource. GO Team's library of 18 team-related topics allows you to build your own learning agenda tailored to your team's needs.

This TeleSeminar is for you if:

  • You're a leader
  • You want to learn how to use narrative to create deeper meaning on your team
  • You want to more fully engage your team members

Ask your questions and get answers in this live interview! 


Event Details


"Telling Stories and Making Meaning"


Thursday  September 10, 2015


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 55 minutes


David Hutchens, author of "Circle of the 9 Muses"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


This event is FREE.


No need to register. Simply call 828-380-4393 (no "pin" needed). We'll also be live on the web at

NOTE: There is a 100 person limit to this event.

PHONE / How To Participate

This will be an interactive interview. You'll get to ask David Hutchens questions via a chat window and via audio!

At the time listed above, simply call:

Phone: 828-380-4393  (no "pin" needed)

or join via the web from anywhere in the world:


CLICK HERE to access the audio recording (mp3). 


Mike Robbins interview -- "Nothing Changes Until You Do"

CLICK HERE to listen to the 55 minute recording (mp3) of the interview.

In this interview we'll explore the delicate and complicated relationship we have with ourselves.

Unfortunately, many of us struggle to make peace with ourselves and to be kind, compassionate, and loving towards ourselves, which can lead to a number of challenges in our lives, our work, and our relationships.

In this interview Mike Robbins will share truths, important insights, and valuable knowledge that can transform your relationship with yourself, as well as your relationships with others and with life itself.

This TeleSeminar is for you if:

  • You're a leader
  • You want to live with more passion, courage, and vulnerability
  • You want to make peace with yourself, others, and life
  • You want to accept yourself and those around you with compassion
  • You want to remember how powerful and resilient you are

Ask your questions and get answers in this live interview!


Mike_Robbins_2Mike Robbins is the author of three books: Nothing Changes Until You Do, Focus on the Good Stuff, and Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. He's a sought-after keynote speaker who speaks to groups of all kinds throughout the world.

Some of his clients include Google, Wells Fargo, Twitter, Gap, eBay, Charles Schwab, Adobe, Chevron, Citibank, the US Department of Labor, Stanford University, the San Francisco Giants, and many others. 

Mike and his work have been featured in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, as well as on ABC News and the Oprah radio network. He's a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and his books have been translated into fourteen different languages.



“This book is filled with quick, compelling, and actionable ideas. Mike Robbins uses his personal experience to help all of us see how we can take small steps toward a better life. Reading this book will give you a new way to think about how you interact with the world.”

 – Tom Rath, New York Times best-selling author of Eat Move Sleep and StrengthsFinder 2.0


CLICK HERE for more information about the book.




 Event Details


Nothing Changes Until You Do -- a conversation about self-compassion and getting out of your own way.


Wednesday  July 22, 2015


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 55 minutes


Mike Robbins, author of Nothing Changes Until You Do

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


This event is FREE.


No need to register. Simply call 828-380-4393 (no "pin" needed). We'll also be live on the web at

NOTE: There is a 100 person limit to this event.

PHONE / How To Participate

This will be an interactive interview. You'll get to ask Mike Robbins questions via a chat window and via audio!

At the time listed above, simply call:

Phone: 828-380-4393  (no "pin" needed)

or join via the web from anywhere in the world:


CLICK HERE to listen to the 55 minute recording (mp3) of the interview.


Watch the three minute video below of Mike Robbins speaking about the importance of self appreciation.



Free Leadership Webinar -- How To Help Boys Become Men (a leadership journey) with author Jonathan Catherman


If you're a regular reader of this IATF blog you know I'm passionate about team and leadership development, particularly when it comes to kids. One of my other passions is being a great father to my son and daughter.

While staffing a recent The Leader In Me SYMPOSIUM, I met Mr. Jonathan Catherman who is the author of the new book The Manual To Manhood. Jonathan works as a Senior Consultant with FranklinCovey and he was a keynote speaker at this event attended by 600 teachers from across the Southeast US. 

Jonathan and I shared our experiences helping our sons make the transition from boy to man. We feel strongly that fathers can do so much to help a boy become a man and thus, create more conscious thoughtful leaders in the world.

How does a boy become a man?

I've been fascinated with this question for five years. I started exploring this when my son was about to celebrate his 10th birthday. I realized, like many parents, that life was moving by so quickly. It seemed my son was just born  and before too long he would be all grown up!

I called some other dads, friends who also had sons about to turn 10, and we started a father-son program that has been meeting every month. Our goal is to help our sons make the transition from boy to man in a good way. 

The journey to Manhood is something that is earned. One does not become a man by simply growing older. 

The world needs real men. By "real" I mean this - - the world needs men who live by higher standards. 

Jonathan Catherman
says "Real men don't believe that the kind of car they drive, how much they drink, or the number of girls they get are what make them a man. Real men know that personal maturity transforms boys into men. Maturity is a practiced skill and is best demonstrated when a man knows how to do the right thing, the right way, at the right time, for the right reason. Even when nobody is looking."

This is Webinar is for you if:

  • You have a son or know someone who does.
  • You're a teacher or counselor.
  • You're interested in how to help boys make the transition to manhood.
  • You're interested in leadership development.

In this Webinar you'll get a chance to hear one of the foremost speakers on helping boys transition into men AND you'll get to ask your questions!

About our special guest Jonathan Catherman

Jonathan_catherman_smJonathan Catherman is a leading education trainer specializing in the character and leadership development of youth. An award-winning cultural strategist, Jonathan speaks worldwide about the principles and strengths that empower greatness in children, teens, and young adults. The father of two sons, he sees daily the importance guys place on gaining respect and avoiding embarrassment. As both a parent and a professional, Jonathan is committed to assisting young men in the making to experience success and significance as they mature into manhood and lifelong leadership. 


Event Details


How To Help Boys Become Men -- The Leadership Journey


Wednesday   April 23, 2014


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 60 minutes


Jonathan Catherman, author of "The Manual To Manhood"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


This event is FREE.



Free Leadership TeleSeminar -- What if Everything You Know about DISC Training is Wrong? With special guest Merrick Rosenberg

The DISC profile is one the most commonly used assessment tools in corporations around the world. And yet, while people find it interesting (if there’s one thing that people like to learn about, it’s themselves) awareness does not often translate into sustained behavioral change.

Taking_flight_bookIn this highly interactive and engaging session, Merrick Rosenberg, co-author of Taking Flight!’ and CEO of Take Flight Learning, brings the DISC styles to life. He will demonstrate how to design and deliver brain-friendly DISC training.  No more short-term results.  Merrick will help you reimagine your approach to DISC training so that it has a lasting impact. 

Merrick has combined his team building background of creating and leading experiential training programs for Team Builders Plus since 1991 with his experience in teaching the DISC model to more than 20,000 people over the past 20 years. The result is a revolutionary new way to approach teaching people about the personality styles.

In this teleseminar, you will:

  • Learn why this is the perfect time to introduce or reintroduce DISC training in your organization.
  • Gain insight about how to turn classroom-based DISC training into a fun and engaging experience.
  • Discover why most DISC training is designed for short-term memory, not long-term retention and application.
  • Find out how to turn DISC training into a process not an event by reinforcing the learning throughout the year.

Attendees will learn how to re-imagine DISC training by:

  • Refocusing DISC training from awareness to results
  • Repackaging the styles to shift from empty letters to metaphoric symbols
  • Revitalizing training to involve the participants
  • Reallocating time from profiles and graphs to skills and application
  • Rebranding the message to shift from learning about letters to learning skills and applying principles

Overall, participants will learn what to look for when offering or designing DISC training to be delivered in their organization.This will allow the power of the DISC styles to be infused into their organizational culture.

This session is designed for anyone who has a personality or knows someone who does!

About our special guest Merrick Rosenburg

Merrick is an experienced speaker, facilitator, performance coach, author, and entrepreneur. He co-founded Team Builders Plus in 1991 and Take Flight Learning in 2013. Merrick has worked with more than half of the Fortune 100 companies in the US and around the world.

As President of Team Builders Plus, he led his organization to the be selected by the Philadelphia Business Journal as one of the Fastest Growing Companies and Best Places to Work in the Philadelphia region. Under his leadership, Team Builders Plus was selected as the New Jersey Business of the Year by NJ Biz magazine.

Merrick co-authored Taking Flight: Master the DISC Styles and Transform Your Career, Your Relationships…Your Life. In fact, Ken Blanchard called ‘Taking Flight!’ “an instant classic” and Marshall Goldsmith noted, “You’ll never look at people quite the same way again.”

Merrick was a guest during the IATF TeleSeminar series called "The Spiritual Nature of Team Building". Listen to the interview with Merrick HERE.

Watch Merrick's TEDx talk HERE.

Event Details


What if Everything You Know about DISC Training is Wrong?


Thursday   March 6, 2014


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 60 minutes


Merrick Rosenburg, President of Team Builders Plus

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF



Registration is closed.


This event is FREE.


This TeleSeminar was recorded and is now archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and access the recording for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Leadership Webinar with special guest Mike Robbins -- "The Power of Authenticity"


RECORDING -- This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.

Create trust, confidence, and team unity by being real!

Authenticity is fundamental to relationships, communication, and success – for individuals, teams, and organizations. 

Now more than ever, people, leaders, and groups must utilize the power of authenticity in order to build trust, resolve conflicts, and create cohesion. 

Although it can be counter-intuitive, some fascinating research in the field of emotional intelligence is proving that being real, honest, and even vulnerable are key elements to individual and group success and engagement. 

Our special guest for this interactive Google Hangout is Mike Robbins, author of the national best seller Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken. In this live and interactive Google Hangout Mike will share how authenticity impacts relationships, trust, and productivity on teams.

Attend this event if you're interested in:

-- Improving communication, connection, and trust in a positive way

-- Enhancing your emotional intelligence (EQ)

-- Learning how to challenge people, leaders, and teams to look at, deal with, and talk about the “elephants in the room”

-- Help people effectively deal with conflicts and engage in difficult conversations successfully

-- Learning techniques for moving past fear and taking successful risks

Event Details


The Power of Authenticity -- How to create trust, confidence, and team unity by being real!


Thursday   August 22, 2013


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 60 minutes


Mike Robbins, Author of Be Yourself - Everyone Else is Already Taken

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. Free and open to the public. 


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.

Get The Book

Mike's book is a must read for all emerging and established leaders. CLICK HERE





Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.

Leadership Webinar (Google Hangout) with author Les McKeown: Transcendent Leadership -- How To Lead Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime


View this entire video in the IATF Members Only Area HERE.  

Membership information is HERE.

If you work in (or for) a group or team you'll be more than aware of the frustrations that come when we inevitably and frequently hit gridlock.

Why is it that sometimes we enter a state of high-performing flow but that often we stutter, stall and fail?

In this informative, entertaining, and interactive Webinar (Google Hangout), Les McKeown, President and CEO of Predictable Success will explain why this happens and how to get to, and stay in, a sustained period of effective teamwork.

Les McKeown has spent a lifetime helping people achieve this state of effective teaming. As a serial entrepreneur and consultant he has worked with literally thousands of people on their team interactions and communication.

By the end of our session you will know how to:

- Consistently make and implement high quality decisions individually and as a team.

- Dramatically improve existing relationships with the people you work with every day.

- Exponentially increase the effectiveness of your interactions at client, peer, manager, and direct report level.

- Improve personal productivity to achieve more each day, every day.

- Understand your value within your organization and the impact that the work you each day has on your organization's combined success. 

Event Details


Transcendent Leadership -- How To Lead Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime


Thursday   June 20, 2013


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone) and runs 60 minutes


Les McKeown, President and CEO of Predictable Success

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. Free and open to the public. [registration is now closed]


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.

Leadership Webinar (Google Hangout) with Bill Treasurer -- "Leaders Open Doors"


Watch the video in the IATF Members Only Area HERE.  




CLICK  HERE to watch the video recording. The link will take you to the IATF Members Only Area. Not an IATF member? CLICK HERE to join.

Leadership is the most overanalyzed, thoroughly dissected, and utterly confused topic in business.

In Leaders Open Doors, author Bill Treasurer helps lighten the leadership load by distilling that leaders are simply creators of opportunity for others.

Please join us for this live and interactive Google Hangout (webinar) when Bill will share present the idea of open-door leadership - - that is, the responsibility that leaders have for noticing, identifying, and creating opportunities for the benefit of people, organizations, and society.

Learn about the six unique "opportunity doors":

  1. the proving-ground door
  2. the thought-shifting door
  3. the door to a second chance
  4. the doors you open for others
  5. the door to personal transformation
  6. the door to your open heart

You'll learn that leadership isn’t a complex and abstract concept. It’s a set of practices and ideals passed from one person to another, across organizations and generations. Leadeship is a tradition that makes people’s lives better by opening doors of opportunities for them to thrive, achieve, and lead.


Event Details


Leaders Open Doors


Friday   May 17, 2013


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)

runs for 60 minutes


Bill TreasurerAuthor and Leadership Coach

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK  HERE to register. Free and open to the public. [registration is closed]


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is now archived in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Watch the video below for a preview of what you'll learn in this Webinar.

Leadership Webinar: Katie Spotz -- Leadership lessons learned while rowing solo across the ocean



In 2010 Katie Spotz rowed a tiny boat 3,038 miles across the Atlantic Ocean all by herself. Katie was 22 years old then and she set the new world record for such a feat!

Throughout her row, Katie wasn’t just seeking to make history. She was also raising money, for the Blue Planet Network, a San Francisco-based non-profit funding safe drinking water projects around the world. As interest grew in Katie’s amazing exploits, donations came flooding in and, at the moment, the total stands at over $150,000.

I had the pleasure of meeting Katie at the November 2012 TEDx Asheville event where she was a presenter. Katie's amazing story thrilled the audience and her inspirational message was one I thought everyone in the IATF community would benefit from.

Katie describes herself as having been the “benchwarmer” throughout her life. However, there came a time when she made a discovery:

You don’t have to be extraordinary to achieve incredible things.

In this live an interactive Webinar Katie will share her story and the leadership lessons her incredible journey provided her.

Have you been thinking about how 2012 went for you?

Have you been thinking about setting big (even scary) goals for 2013?

Join us for this live and interactive Webinar to learn how you can achieve incredible things in 2013.

Event Details


Rowing Solo Across the Ocean -- Lessons on leadership and perserverence with Katie Spotz


Wednesday   December 5, 2012


Starts at 11 am  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


Katie Spotz, world record holder for youngest woman to row across the Atlantic Ocean

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Registration is not necessary.  The Webinar will take place on this same web page.  Be here on Wednesday December 5, 2012 at 11 am EST (NY City time zone) and you'll see a LIVE broadcast which includes chat.  There is no phone number to call.  Everything is free.


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and is available for free in the new IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Free Leadership Webinar: "Mean Girls at Work" with authors Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster


Watch the recording of the Webinar now in the IATF Members Only Area

BASIC Membership is FREE

More than 90% of women of different social strata claim that envy and jealousy toward other women colors their lives.

90% of women in diverse jobs also report that competition in the workplace is primarily  between other women, rather than between women and men.

With women comprising over 50% of the workforce, a new dynamic has emerged. Women find themselves working with each other in large numbers on all levels of the corporate structure for the first time. While one would think this would create harmony and a supportive workplace atmosphere, it often fosters power struggles.

Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster have written an enlightening new book entitled "Mean Girls At Work: How to Stay Professional When Things Get Personal".  This is a women's guide to the new frontier of professional development - - making the best of the worst situations with other women in the workplace.

Katherine and Kathi say women-to-women relationships are naturally intense. When they are good they're very good, when they're bad, they can be horrible. 

The challenge for today's professional woman is to develop skills and strategies that enable her to thrive in the workplace - - even among covertly competitive colleagues.

Common "mean girls at work" behavior includes:

  • Excluding you from important emails.
  • Gossiping about anyone and everyone.
  • Making you look bad by failing to meet deadlines.
  • Needing too much personal attention.
  • Communicating in an unprofessional manner - or maybe choosing not to interact with you at all.

Learning goals for this Webinar:

In this free live Webinar Katherine and Kathi will share office-tested solutions for dealing with "Mean Girls at Work".  They will provide a 3-step plan that will empower women to support each other in succeeding at work and help them troubleshoot any stressful situation involving a female boss, colleague, employee or client.

This will be an interactive Webinar.  Our guests will be taking your questions.

About Our Special Guests

Katherine Crowley is a Harvard trained psychotherapist, and Kathi Elster is a management consultant and executive coach. Together they create the yin and yang of their company, K Squared Enterprises. They use an "inside-out approach" which transforms the way businesses uncover and resolve their greatest interpersonal dilemmas.

Previous books by Crowley and Elster include "Working For You Isn't Working For Me -- How To Get Ahead When Your Boss Holds You Back" and "Working With You Is Killing Me -- Freeing Yourself From Emotional Traps at Work"


Event Details


"Mean Girls at Work" -- How To Stay Professional when Things Get Personal


Wednesday   November 14, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster, authors of Mean Girls At Work

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Registration is not necessary.  The Webinar will take place on this same web page.  Be here on Wednesday November 14, 2012 at 1 pm EST (NY City time zone) and you'll see a LIVE broadcast which includes chat.  There is no phone number to call.  Everything is free.


This event is FREE.


This Webinar was recorded and posted in the IATF Members Only Area. Become a member for FREE and watch the video for FREE.  Membership information is HERE.


Watch this video of Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster describing their book Mean Girls At Work

Parker Palmer: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #8]


CLICK HERE to download the audio interview (mp3 file)


Our eighth guest for the Spiritual Nature of Team Building TeleSeminar series is Parker Palmer.  

Parker Palmer is an author, educator, and activist who focuses on issues in education, community, leadership, spirituality and social change.

Parker is the founder and senior partner of the Center for Courage & Renewal (CCR) whose mission is to nurture personal and professional integrity and the courage to act on it. Since 1997 CCR has offered programs to help teachers, physicians, clergy and others “rejoin soul and role,” renewing their passion for their work, reclaiming its basic values and deepening their service to others.

"Good work is done with heart as well as knowledge and skill, done with a depth of commitment that brings integrity and courage to the workplace. But workplace culture can make it risky to reveal our hearts. So we hide them – and sometimes lose them. By supporting teachers, medical professionals, clergy and others who want to reclaim their hearts, we bring new life to them, their work, and the people they serve." ~ Parker Palmer

This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach
  • manager or supervisor

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #8] -- with special guest Parker Palmer


Wednesday,   May 16, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Parker Palmer -- author, educator, and activist

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


CLICK HERE to download the audio interview (mp3 file)


Renowned educator and Quaker writer, Parker Palmer, says one of the biggest things he has learned in life is that the direction of the spiritual journey is not upward but downward, to what Paul Tillich called the ground of being.

Rick Tamlyn: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #7] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


Rick_tamlynOur seventh guest for the Spiritual Nature of Team Building TeleSeminar series is Rick Tamlyn. 

Rick's work is all about creating fulfilling lives for people, creating better working relationships, and creating positive motivating energy for individuals, teams and organizations.

Rick is an expert at helping people, teams and organizations change their energy.

Rick co-created and developed The Bigger Game, a tool that inspires executives, leaders and everyday people to get out of their comfort zones and invent the life they want.

He is the co-author of The Bigger Game: Why Playing a Bigger Game Designs Who You Want to Become, and has trained and certified leaders from seven (7) different countries to deliver The Bigger Game program.

Rick is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and a Master Certified Coach (MCC) as designated by the International Coach Federation (ICF), and is a senior trainer for The Coaches Training Institute, a world-renown coach training and leadership development organization.

This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach
  • manager or supervisor

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #7] -- with special guest Rick Tamlyn.


Wednesday,   May 9, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Rick Tamlyn -- coach, author, Big Game player

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call will be recorded and archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


Watch Rick Tamilyn in the video clips below to get a feel for his positive message and how it's impacting the lives of leaders. 

Doug Silsbee: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #6] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


Our sixth guest for the Spiritual Nature of Team Building TeleSeminar series is Doug Silsbee.

My friend Doug is a leader in the arena of professional coaching - - specifically, "presence-based leadership development". Doug's approach to leadership and teams is profoundly spiritual.

In addition to the significant contributions Doug is making in the world of one-on-one leadership coaching, Doug is a seasoned teambuilding expert having worked with clients around the world.

Doug says we are all being called to actions that lift others, that are responsible to the precarious state of our planet’s resources, and that assume meaning through our ever-widening circles of concern.

One of Doug's clients says:

"Doug's approach goes way beyond the standard platitudes to reach deeply into the areas of human consciousness and experience where things really happen, where meaningful change and growth can and does occur."

~ Harrison Owen, author, Open Space Technology.


Presence_based_coaching_bookDoug Silsbee is the author of Presence-Based Coaching: Cultivating Self-Generative Leaders Through Mind, Body and Heart which offers a practical map to the territory of working with presence, both within yourself and in your coaching and developing of others. First, we explore presence as an essential element of human learning and development. Second, the book provides extensive inner and relational coaching moves, brought to life through illustrative dialogs, for bringing presence into coaching. The result? Self-generative, authentic, and effective leaders.




This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach
  • manager or supervisor

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #6] -- with special guest Doug Silsbee.


Thursday,   May 3, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Doug Silsbee -- leadership coach, trainer of coaches, speaker, and author

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.



Barry Rellaford: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #4] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


CLICK HERE to download the recording (mp3)


Barry_rellaford2Our fourth guest for this TeleSeminar series is my good friend Barry Rellaford

Because he travels the world delivering life-changing team and leadership development workshops for the FranklinCovey organization,
Barry has a unique take on our topic - - The Spiritual Nature of Team Building.

When I first started to imagine this TeleSeminar series I knew I'd have to get Barry on as a guest.  When I called to invite him to be a speaker, Barry became excited and started sharing some of his beliefs and experiences around the spiritual nature of team building.  As I write the description of this call, I'm  looking at the notes I took while speaking with Barry that day and I must say, I am pumped to have Barry on as a guest. He is going to share some GREAT insights.

Barry Rellaford is a master facilitator and has delivered training events all over the world.  Barry understands, at a deep level, what it means to build teams and grow leaders as a spiritual practice.

Some of the topics we'll explore...

  • Covey's 4 Human Needs as a Spiritual Path: 1) To Live, 2) To Love, 3) To Learn, 4) To Leave a Legacy
  • Coaching as spiritual work
  • The importance of being in touch with your own spiritual nature

A globally sought-after leadership development expert, Barry has a gift for presenting complex content in an understandable, memorable, and actionable manner.

Barry led FranklinCovey's Learning Expedition Center, the company's internal corporate university focused on the development of FranklinCovey salespeople and consultants. He also served as the Vice President of Organizational Development for Metatec Corporation and as a performance consultant at CompuServe, Inc.

Barry regularly speaks and trains internationally, having led programs in 15 countries with participants representing over 50 different nations. His audiences have included Procter & Gamble, Microsoft Corporation, Johnson & Johnson, Honeywell, Coinstar, Toyota, Foodmakers, Intel, Nike, University of Texas Medical Branch, and the U.S. Army.

Slice_of_trust_bookWorking closely with Stephen M. R. Covey, Barry had a hand in developing the Leading at the Speed of Trust training program, the organizational assessment, and the Speed of Trust™ individual assessment.

Barry is also the coauthor of A Slice of Trust [click here for audio interview] and is a faculty member here at the IATF.



This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach
  • manager or supervisor

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #4] -- with special guest Barry Rellaford


Wednesday,   April 11, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Barry Rellaford -- Best selling author, faculty level trainer at Franklin-Covey, Trust expert

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


Access the recording of this call for a limited time using the link below.

CLICK HERE to download the recording (mp3)

This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.



Rabbi Shais Taub: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #3] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


  CLICK HERE to download the recording (mp3)

Rabbi_shais_taub_1Our third guest for the Spiritual Nature of Team Building TeleSeminar series is Rabbi Shais Taub.

Rabbi Shais Taub is a social observer, philosopher, Huffington Post blogger, and is the best selling author of God of Our Understanding.

In this call Rabbi Taub will not lobby for the acceptance of a dogmatic or religious definition of spirituality. Rather, he will speak of spirituality as a mental capacity to adopt a consistent, reality-based worldview that has specific properties universal to all people. This has little if anything to do with formal belief systems and has everything to do with a certain way of using the brain.

When one becomes "Spiritually Intelligent", how does this impact leadership style?  Can teams become "Spiritually Intelligent?

Do you have to be smart to be a skeptic?

Do you have to be dumb to believe?

Maybe you've heard of "multiple intelligences." It's the theory that there is more than one kind of being smart. For instance, logical intelligence is different than musical intelligence and spatial intelligence is different than linguistic intelligence. That's why there can be a poet who can't carry a tune and a research biologist who can't do her own taxes.

Spiritual Intelligence?

Thanks to the work of Daniel Goleman we all understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence when it comes to leadership development, but what about Spiritual Intelligence?

In our feel-good, sanitized, PC culture, the term "spirituality" has become a non-descriptive catch-all for any idea that makes me feel good. If that's the case, then it's no wonder there is no correlation between such beliefs and having a happy, productive life.

Our special guest Rabbi Shais Taub who will put forth that spirituality is a form of intelligence and can be described in demonstrable terms.

Spiritual Intelligence, Rabbi Taub says, is the ability to be discerning, and therefore, make decisions, that adhere to certain axioms or principles.

This call is for you if you are a:

  • trainer
  • educator
  • facilitator
  • coach


This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building -- SESSION # 3 with special guest Rabbi Shais Taub


Thursday,   March 29, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Rabbi Shais Taub -- Rabbi, social observer, philosopher, writer

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


  The recording of this session is available for FREE in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE. for FREE.



Brian Biro: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session #2] -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar

 When you experience a breakthrough...


        When your team experiences a breakthrough...

it is a spiritual experience


I'd like you to meet my good friend Brian Biro who is known internationally as "America's Breakthrough Coach."

Companies and organizations who are truly committed to bringing out the best in their people use Brian's amazing energy and passion to create a shared experience that is literally life-changing.

A major client described Brian best when he said, "Brian Biro has the energy of a ten-year-old, the enthusiasm of a twenty-year-old, and the wisdom of a seventy-five-year-old."

I've had the great pleasure of knowing Brian Biro for many years and he is all these things - - Energetic, Ethusiastic, and Full of Wisdom.  Most of all, Brian is one of the most spiritual centered people I know.

I'm convinced that Brian is able to help people experience transformational breakthroughs because he operates from and teaches spiritual principles that, if followed, produce amazing results for anyone.

In this TeleSeminar Brian will share insights gained from helping thousands of people experience breakthroughs.  We will explore how he incorporates the spiritual in his work with teams.

  Beyond_successBrian Biro is one of the nation's foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building. He has delivered over 1,200 presentations around the world over the last 20 years. Brian is the author of multiple best sellers including Beyond Success -- The 15 Secrets to Effective Leadership and Life Based on Legendary Coach John Wooden's Pyramid of Success

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Dial in, share your experiences… and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building -- SESSION # 2 with special guest Brian Biro


Wednesday,   March 21, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Brian Biro -- Best Selling Author,Teamwork Expert, Breakthrough Coach, Father, Husband 

Tom Heck -- President & Founder of the IATF


  CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

Watching Brian Biro in action here:

Merrick Rosenberg: The Spiritual Nature of Team Building [Session # 1] - IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


What do the martial arts have to teach us about team building?
  • They both use physical experiences to teach us about ourselves and others.
  • They both are grounded in creating connection and oneness, not separation.
  • They both teach people to be their highest selves.

And the beautiful part?...

All of the above are the essence of spirituality.

Meet Merrick Rosenberg, President & Chief Learning Officer of Team Builders Plus. In addition to being a sought after speaker, trainer, coach and author, Merrick is a long time martial arts student and meditator.  

Merrick designed a powerful leadership program for executives which is based on spiritual principles - - it's called Team Samurai.

 Merrick travels widely delivering training events and has taught executives about chi, yin and yang, the five elements, and even teaches execs how to meditate.

In this important TeleSeminar Merrick will share insights gained from working with thousands of people.  We will explore how he incorporates the spiritual in his work with teams

Merrick Rosenberg
is an experienced speaker, facilitator, performance coach, author, and entrepreneur. He co-founded Team Builders Plus in 1991 and has worked with people at all levels, from line staff to senior managers. Merrick co-authored Taking Flight: Master the Four Behavioral Styles and Transform Your Career, Your Relationships…Your Life. In fact, Ken Blanchard called Taking Flight! “an instant classic” and Marshall Goldsmith noted, “You’ll never look at people quite the same way again.”


This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask her your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Dial in, share your experiences… and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.

Call Details


The Spiritual Nature of Team Building -- SESSION # 1


Wednesday,   March 14, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Merrick Rosenberg, President and Chief Learning Officer at Team Builders Plus  

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


  CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


Scott Hartl: How To Develop Leaders in School and in Life -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar

Audio Interview

Imagine a public school that teaches leadership skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration and communication WITH STUDENTS EXCELLING ACADEMICALLY!

Would YOU like to send your children to such a school?

Scott_hartlMeet Scott Hartl who is the President & CEO of Expeditionary Learning (EL).  Over the past 18 years EL has grown from 10 schools to a network of 165 schools, serving 45,000 students and 4,300 teachers.

EL schools outperform neighboring district schools on every measure.  More importantly, EL schools teach students about leadership through valuable, real-life experiences.  Students in EL schools have a positive and profound impact on the communities they operate in.


EL schools ask students to be leaders NOW.

In this special TeleSeminar, Scott Hartl will share the secrets of EL's success.  Scott has keen knowledge about how to fully engage students (learners) and how to leverage the passion of teachers.  Scott also has a deep understanding about how to create a learning community based on trust. 

This TeleSeminar is for you if you are a parent, teacher, administrator, teamwork facilitator, leadership coach, change management facilitator, manager, or supervisor.

Expeditionary Learning schools (EL) partners with school districts and charter boards to open new schools and transform existing schools at all levels and in all settings – urban, rural, and suburban. The EL model challenges students to think critically and to take active roles in their classrooms and communities, resulting in higher achievement and greater engagement in school, and works to improve curriculum design, instruction, school culture, leadership, and assessment practices.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Dial in, share your experiences… and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.

Call Details


How To Build Leaders for Tomorrow


Wednesday,   March 7, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Scott Hartl, President and CEO of Expeditionary Learning

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


Susan Gerke: Secrets to Leading Virtual Teams Successfully -- IATF Leadership TeleSeminar


Audio Interview

Are you able to give a "thumbs up" for your Virtual Team leadership skills?

You can learn how to lead a Virtual Team successfully.  In this leadership TeleSeminar we will reveal some of the most important secrets for leading Virtual Teams including...

  • The need for relationship building –- it needs to be done differently than when the team is co-located.
  • Staying connected with each other -- sending an email won't cut it.
  • The importance of "foundational conversations" -- most Virtual Teams skip these and suffer the consequences.
  • The challenge of making space for different personalities or styles in the team -- you can ignore the differences or you can learn to harness them.
  • Leverage the "stages of group development" (Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing) -- Virtual Teams go through these same stages just like a co-located team, but are you aware of the differences? 
  • and a few more...


Susan_gerke Our special guest for this event is Susan Gerke who is the president of Gerke Consulting & Development where she designs, customizes and implements leadership and teamwork programs with Virtual and Co-located teams.  Her clients include Bank of the West, BHK Accountancy, City of Anaheim, Human Options, Orange Coast College, Sole Technology, UC Irvine, and Warner Bros. Along with David Hutchens, Susan has created GO Team, a library of 18 easy-to-deliver team-training modules that allow you to build your own team training agenda.



Susan is the coauthor of "The I in TEAM: Accelerating Performance of Remote and Co-located Teams" and "Quick Guide to Interaction Styles and Working Remotely 2.0: Strategies for Leading and Working in Virtual Teams"

I_in_team Quick_guide_to_interaction_styles

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask her your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Dial in, share your experiences… and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.

Call Details


Secrets to Leading Virtual Teams Successfully


Friday,   March 9, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Susan Gerke, President of Gerke Consulting and Development and co-creator of GO Team Resources

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


Free Leadership TeleSeminar: GO Communicate! -- Exploring and improving how your teams interact.


 Almost every team will tell you that they struggle with communication. And we've got some fresh ways to help you think about the communication challenges for the teams that you support.

In this "GO Communicate" TeleSeminar we will explore two unique lenses for communication: the "advocacy and inquiry" model, and the "directing and informing" style differences, based on the pioneering work of Dr. Linda Berens.
This free webinar was developed exclusively for members of IATF. Brought to you by Susan Gerke and David Hutchens, it is a follow up to their popular presentation from last year, "From Stuck to GO."

Susan_gerke Susan Gerke is the president of Gerke Consulting & Development where she designs, customizes and implements leadership and teamwork programs.  Her clients include Bank of the West, BHK Accountancy, City of Anaheim, Human Options, Orange Coast College, Sole Technology, UC Irvine, and Warner Bros.




David_hutchens_jpg David Hutchens, a bestselling author, and organizational learning consultant. He  has worked with IBM, The Coca-Cola Company, Wal-Mart, GE, Nike, and many others.





Together, Susan and David have created GO Team, a library of 18 easy-to-deliver team-training modules that allow you to build your own team training agenda.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask them your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Dial in, share your experiences… and then start unleashing even more team power in your organization.

Call Details


GO Communicate!: Exploring and improving how your teams interact.


Wednesday   February 22, 2012


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Susan Gerke and David Hutchens, creators of GO Team Resources

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is now archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

CLICK HERE to download the recording for a limited time. (link coming soon)

Click on the link below to download the slide deck used during the call.

Download GoTeam_Communication_slide_deck_022212

Click on the link below to download directions for leading the experiential learning exercise mentioned by Al Weinberg during the call.

Download Al_weinberg_game


During this TeleSeminar we'll be using the newest telephone conferencing technology that provides a remarkably engaging experience.  CLICK HERE to learn more about this technology.



Enhanced by Zemanta

The Power of Self Leadership -- interview with Ed Manning


We can’t truly lead others until we know how to lead ourselves.

In this live and interactive TeleSeminar you'll learn an innovative tool for mapping key internal influences of your behavior, communication, and decision making.

Once we know why we’re doing what we’re doing, we can make informed choices rather than simply react to people and events around us.

Practicing self leadership allows us to engage our day-to-day lives and professional roles with more clarity and effectiveness.

Please join us for this free and interactive TeleSeminar with special guest Ed Manning of Alchemy for Leaders where we'll explore The Power of Self Leadership.

This is the perfect training event for trainers, educators, coaches, and leaders.

Ed_manningOur guest Ed Manning owns Alchemy For Leaders and is an accomplished management consultant who brings a proven record of client success. Ed’s passion is guiding individuals and organizations in discerning what they truly value so they can unleash their potential. He has more than 20 years of facilitation experience with organizations such as ING Bank, Lend Lease, Delta Air Lines, and Center for Disease Control. Ed has led programs on leadership development, strategic planning, project management and effective communication.



About the telephone conference technology used during this class

This TeleSeminar will utilize new state of the art telephone conferencing technology from Maestro Conference that enables you to participate like never before.  All you need is a regular telephone (land line or cell) BUT be ready for a totally new experience.


Live TeleSeminar entitled "The Power of Self Leadership" with special guest Ed Manning of Alchemy For Leaders

Wednesday, January 25, 2011
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
(12 Central / 11 am Mountain / 10 am Pacific)
runs 60 minutes

FREE!  But space is limited.  Register early!

This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.  Only IATF members have access to the Members Only Area. Membership is FREE.  CLICK HERE to learn more about IATF member benefits. 

Download the slide deck as a PDF using the link below:

Download Self Leadership slides 1-25-12


How To Apply the Lessons of Emotional Intelligence -- interview with Dr. Relly Nadler


 “Emotional Intelligence” (EQ) - - it’s a term practically every leader has heard of.

Time Magazine says "Emotional Intelligence may be the best predictor of success in life..."

EQ is a term coined by Daniel Goleman who authored the wildly successful book “Emotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” (1996).

Here’s what Goleman says about the importance of EQ:

"In a study of skills that distinguish star performers in every field from entry-level jobs to executive positions, the single most important factor was not IQ, advanced degrees, or technical experience, it was EQ.”
  -- Daniel Goleman

A clear and competitive advantage is gained when leaders (and teams) strengthen EQ. 

But HOW exactly are Teamwork Facilitators supposed to APPLY this EQ stuff?  How do we make it real?  How do we close the gap between the theory of EQ and the practice of EQ?

Relly_nadler That’s the question we’ll answer on Thursday December 1, 2011 when IATF Visiting Faculty Member Dr. Reldan Nadler, author of Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Hands-On Strategies for Building Confident And Collaborative Star Performers  shares his street-smart wisdom.

Dr. Nadler is a world-class expert when it comes to the practical application of Emotional Intelligence with leaders and teams and top companies seek out his advice -- Dr. Nadler's clients include Dreamworks SKG, Disney, At&T, MCI, Xerox, Lockheed-Martin Aerospace, and many more!


Questions addressed in this Free IATF TeleSeminar:

  1. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and why is it the most important component for star performance?
  2. Why are EQ competencies critical for Teamwork Facilitators?
  3. How is the Brain Neuroscience research influencing leadership today?
  4. How to use the “Emotional Audit” to enhance your leadership and use with others.
  5. What are specific things you can do to raise your EQ and experience more success?

About the telephone conference technology used during this class

This TeleSeminar will utilize new state of the art telephone conferencing technology from Maestro Conference that enables you to participate like never before.  All you need is a regular telephone (land line or cell) BUT be ready for a totally new experience. 

Yes, it will be THAT different.  :-)


Live TeleSeminar entitled "Emotional Intelligence - Practical Applications for Teamwork Facilitators”

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
(12 Central / 11 am Mountain / 10 am Pacific)
runs 60 minutes

FREE!  But space is limited.  Register early!

Get the recording for a limited time for free CLICK HERE.
This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.  Only IATF members have access to the Members Only Area.  CLICK HERE to learn more about IATF membership benefits.

During this call Dr. Nadler will shared the following:

 Slides are here:  Download Slides_leading_with_EI

Article:  "Teamwork Is Unnatural":    Download Teamwork is Unnatural 2011

How You Can Do More Great Work -- Leadership TeleSeminar with special guest Michael Bungay Stanier

 What could you possibly achieve in an hour? And on a teleclass to boot.

So let's ask a different question.

What do you have left to achieve this year?

2012 is just four months away, and most of us are coming back from the summer break ready for the final push.

You now have a choice.

You can continue to work hard, do well and get to the end of the year thinking: it was a good-enough year, I ticked many boxes … but nothing really stands out as extraordinary.

Or you can set yourself up so that come holiday drinks, you'll have a story to tell. It might be one of triumph. It might be one of struggle. But it will be a story about you pursuing something that you care about, something that matters to you. It will be a story about your Great Work.

And that's what we will do in this hour long teleclass.

We'll take on the challenge of defining your Great Work Project.
    •    Why it matters
    •    Where you might find it
    •    How you might start it

It will be the thing you'll give time and energy and focus to over the coming months.

It will excite you and stretch you and challenge you and fulfill you.

It will be the way you get to do more of the stuff that matters to you, and less of all the other stuff that's keeping you busy and overwhelmed.

So jump in. The class will be practical, entertaining and useful.

Web-sized_MG_6628 My guest for this special event is Michael Bungay Stanier who is the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons and the author of many books including “Do More Great Work”.

Headquartered in Toronto Canada, Box of Crayons is a company that works with organizations and teams around the world to help them do less Good Work and more Great Work.

Michael’s company works in a wide range of sectors, including Consumer Goods (Campbell’s, Mars, Nestle), Pharmaceuticals (AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer), and Professional Service Firms (Gartner Inc, PricewaterhouseCoopers).

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with our special guest speaker and ask him  questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


How You Can Do More Great Work


Thursday   September 8, 2011


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Michael Bungay Stanier, author of Do More Great Work  

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


 This call was recorded and is available in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


How to Use Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Grow Inspired Teams with special guest Steven Simpson

Many who work in the field of team and leadership development are searching for ways to introduce a spiritual element in their work.  (I'm being purposeful in my use of the word "spiritual" and not "religious".)

We are, as Dr. Wayne Dyer says, spiritual beings immersed in a human experience. 

By thoughtfully including a spiritual component in our work with teams and leaders we begin to touch a part of the soul (the individual's and the team's).  This is where the Tao comes in...

Do you know what the Tao has to teach you when it comes to team and leadership development?

Yin_yangTao (pronounced "dow") is a Chinese word meaning 'way' or 'path'.

When you understand the Tao, you understand the primordial essence or fundamental nature of the universe.

The workings of the Tao are described in the Tao Te Ching.

Taoist philosophy can have deep meaning for experiential educators because of its focus on natural spontaneity and unself-conscious learning and teaching.

The Tao in Teambuilding...

The_leader_who_is_hardly_known_steve_simpsonIn his 2003 book The Leader Who is Hardly Known, Dr. Steve Simpson compiled a series of essays that begin with a brief story focusing on the experiences and lessons of a teacher called the Leader Who is Hardly Known. Following the story, the essay shares Taoist quotes and the Steve's thoughts that relate back to the story. This book serves as an effective way to understand the Tao as it applies to our work with teams and leaders.

Steveweb Dr. Steve Simpson will be my special guest at the IATF monthly VIsiting Faculty Member call and he will share how you can incorporate teachings from the Tao into your training programs.

Steve is professor of Recreation Management and Therapeutic Recreation at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.  He is the former editor of the Journal of Experiential Education and has written over 50 articles on experiential education, outdoor recreation, and environmental ethics.  In addition to authoring Leader Who Is Hardly Known, Steve has written "The Processing Pinnacle: An Educator’s Guide to Better Processing"

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Steve and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


The Leader Who Is Hardly Known -- Self-less Teaching From the Chinese Tradition


Thursday   July 14, 2011


Starts at 1 pm  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


Dr. Steven Simpson, author of "The Leader Who Is Hardly Known"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE. Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


Get the recording HERE for a limited time.

This call was recorded and is available in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

Tao_te_ching Tao Te Ching

Read the entire Tao Te Ching  HERE.


How Go-Givers Build Strong Teams with best selling author John David Mann -- recorded leadership program

Are you a Go-Getter or a Go-Giver?  Which approach is best for building transformative teams?

Most are familiar with "Go-Getters".  They make things happen.  They don't wait for things to go their way, they create circumstances that go their way.  This approach is very "yang" or forceful in it's thought pattern.  In the West, Go-Getters are often times seen in a favorable light.  And yet, many Go-Getters experience difficulty building strong teams.

Contrast the Go-Getter approach with the Go-Giver approach.

Being a Go-Giver means you add value to others in a way that helps them significantly while at the same time increases your own sense of joy and improves your bottom line, both in your business and your personal life.

Go-Getters are "me focused" and in the worst case scenarios become "Go-Takes", someone who feels entitled to take, take, take without ever adding value to the relationship or the process in any way.

Go-Givers are "other focused."  A Go-Giver has the ability to take one's eyes off oneself in order to focus on contribution and adding value to the lives of others.

Go-Givers build teams that naturally contribute and add value.  Teams built upon the Go-Giver principles Go-Giver will outperform all other teams.  Best of all, team members on a Go-Giver team will be happier!

How does one become a "Go-Giver" and build teams based on the Go-Giver principles?

The answer to the above question will be supplied by my special guest in this live and interactive TeleSeminar.

My guest will be John David Mann who is the co-author of the international best seller The Go-Giver -- A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea

John has been writing about business, leadership and the laws of success for twenty years.  He really does know what it means to build and lead teams and has been doing it for a long time (he created his first business as a teenager!).

John_david_mann In the past few years John has worked with Paul Zane Pilzer (my favorite economist) writing The Next Millionaires, with Jeff Olson writing The Slight Edge and with John Assaraf and Murray Smith writing The Answer.  John is also the coauthor of You Call The Shots:  The 19 Essential Secrets of Entrepreneurship.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with John and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


How Go-Givers Build Strong Teams


Wednesday  May 18, 2011


Starts at 12 noon  Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60- 70 minutes


John David Mann, Coauthor of "The Go-Giver"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


Get the recording HERE for a limited time. 
Access more great recordings from teamwork and leadership experts when you become a member of the IATF.  Membership information is HERE.

  5lawsimage_jpg CLASS HANDOUT

Click on the link below to download a one page PDF of the "5 Laws of Stratospheric Success".

Download The-5-Laws2




CLICK HERE to navigate to the Go-Giver website where you can download a FREE chapter from the book.


CLICK HERE to access previous recordings of the authors.


Secrets To Managing a Bad Boss -- Recorded Leadership TeleSeminar with special guests Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster

Have you ever said this: Bad_boss

“I love my job, but I hate my boss.”
“My supervisor is half my age with none of my experience.”

“Sure I have responsibility, but none of the authority to carry it out.”

“His first response to any idea that I propose is no.”

Sound familiar? Sooner or later, we all work for someone we can't stand – a constant criticizer, a yeller, a power-hungry jerk, or just someone who's mentally checked out.  But if you can’t afford to quit – and few of us can in this economy – the only option is to deal with it.

Working_for_you_book_cover In their previous bestseller Working With You is Killing Me, Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster helped people deal with troublesome coworkers.  Now they’re taking on toxic bosses in WORKING FOR YOU ISN’T WORKING FOR ME: The Ultimate Guide to Managing Your Boss

After years of advising clients, Crowley (a psychotherapist) and Elster (a business strategist) found that the single greatest determinant of happiness at work is the quality of your relationship with your boss.  When it's bad, you either become insecure or so resentful that you end up looking petty or incompetent.

Crowley and Elster offer a better option – reclaiming control of the relationship so you can be happier at work and move your career forward.

In this live and interactive TeleSeminar you will learn proven techniques for improving "bad boss" situations.  You will learn a practical, powerful four-step program for dealing with a bad boss:

  1. Detect – Identify the exact boss behaviors that drive you crazy.
  2. Detach – Discover concrete actions that will restore your power.
  3. Depersonalize - Learn how to take any annoying boss behavior less personally.
  4. Deal – Devise a plan to get what you need, and move your career forward.

Elster_and_crowley About our guest speakers:  Katherine Crowley, a Harvard trained psychotherapist, and Kathi Elster, a management consultant, create the yin and yang of their company, K Squared Enterprises. Since 1989, they’ve combined their complementary expertise to develop a unique method for dealing with difficult people and challenging conditions at work. Their inside-out approach transforms the way businesses uncover and resolve their greatest interpersonal dilemmas.  Visit the website:

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Katherine and Kathi and ask them your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


Secrets To Managing a Bad Boss


Thursday, March 24, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes
BONUS:  An optional 15 - 20 minute virtual "meet and greet" session will follow this program.


Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster , author of "Working For You Isn't Working For Me"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


CLICK HERE to access the recording (mp3).  This recording is available here for a limited time. 
This call is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

How To Use Courage To Transform The Workplace with best selling author Bill Treasurer -- Recorded Leadership TeleSeminar

Carnival of SoulsImage via Wikipedia

Courage is critical to personal and organizational success. But in times of economic instability, such as right now, fear directs workers’ behaviors, causing them to be distracted, afraid, and unproductive…just when their companies need them to be the opposite.

Fear is bad for business because it causes workers to become overly preoccupied with safety-seeking.

Courageous workers, by contrast, step up to challenges, seek out leadership roles, and assert innovative ideas…all for the good of the company.

This teleseminar will provide practical strategies for building workforce courage so workers can become “opportunity seekers”.

Key Topics to be Covered:

  • The impact that fear and comfort have on individual performance
  • Three distinct types of courage and how to differentiate among them
  • How to create an environment that supports courageous behavior
  • The differences between managers who encourage workers, and those who discourage them, what Bill calls Fillers and Spillers
  • Tips on how to be more courageous and how to inspire more courageous behavior among those you lead

The workplace is fraught with daily challenges—challenges that may provoke fear, stress, or even excitement; but challenges nonetheless. These challenges can, potentially, inspire our courage or undermine our performance. This teleseminar will help attendees enlarge their Courage Capacity so they can meet organizational challenges with more confidence and less fear. 

About our guest speaker...

Bill_treasurer Bill Treasurer is founder of Giant Leap Consulting, and the author of the new off-the-shelf training program, Courageous Leadership: Using Courage to Transform the Workplace.

Bill is widely recognized as pioneer in the new organizational development practice of “courage-building”, and is author of Courage Goes to Work (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2008), an internationally bestselling book about how to build workforce courage.

Bill is also a former member of the U.S. High Diving Team, and performed over 1500 high dives from heights that scaled to over 100 feet. Bills insights about workplace courage have been featured in over 100 national newspapers and magazines.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Bill Treasurer and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


Courageous Ledership -- How To Use Courage to Transform the Workplace


Thursday, February 10, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes
BONUS:  An optional 15 - 20 minute virtual "meet and greet" session will follow this program.


Bill Treasurer, author of the bestseller "Courageous Ledership -- Using Courage to Transform the Workplace"

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This Leadership TeleSeminar was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

View video below of Bill Treasurer below speaking about Courage In The Workplace

How To Take A Breather (and remain successful) with "Callings" expert Gregg Levoy -- recorded leadership training event


We belong to a work-obsessed culture
whose busyness-as-usual makes us forget that discipline also means knowing when to knock off.

Just as the ear needs “rests” when listening to music, we each need time to linger and reflect in the onrushing of life, time when we’re not engaged in what the Taoists refer to as “the ten thousand things.”

When we’re giving off nothing but busy signals, the calls of spirit, of soul, of the deep self can’t get through.

This TeleSeminar examines the challenges and benedictions of taking breathers, of remembering that life is meant to be savored and not just worked at.

Gregg_levoy Our guest speaker for this special event is Gregg Levoy, bestselling author of Callings -- Finding and Following an Authentic Life.

Gregg is a former adjunct professor of journalism at the University of New Mexico, and former columnist and reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer and USA Today. He has written about the subject of callings for the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post, Omni, Psychology Today, Reader's Digest, and many others. He has also been a frequent guest of the media, including ABC-TV, CNN, NPR and PBS.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Gregg and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" training and development! 

Call Details


How To Take A Breather (and remain successful)


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes
BONUS:  An optional 15 - 20 minute virtual "meet and greet" session will follow this program.


Gregg Levoy, author of the bestseller "Callings -- Finding And Following An Authentic Life"best selling author

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register. It's FREE!  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


During the call Gregg mentions an article entitled  "Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli" that appeared in the New Yorker magazine.  Download the article in the IATF Members Only Area.

View video below of Gregg Levoy in action


The Stories We Create -- Narrative and Engagement in Organizations with special guest David Hutchens


Storytelling has the power to transform your team and your organization.

As the whole of human history shows and storytellers have always known, stories are a wellspring of communal life. Stories inspire, support, and sustain all types of human communities.

Having a story in common brings people together because stories cultivate the communion of hearts and minds that creates community.

Stories provide a community with the common ground and shared vision needed to inspire collective striving.

Organizational stories provide an effective way to convey fundamental understandings necessary to workplace design and culture.  More importantly, stories speak to the heart of your team members.

In this TeleSeminar we will explore how you can use stories to build an inspired, high performing team.

 Join us for this live and interactive TeleSeminar to:

  • Learn how to use stories to engage employees.
  • Learn how stories can motivate your team.
  • Learn how stories set the stage for cooperative and productive work relationships by creating common contexts of knowledge, interest, and communication.

David_hutchens_jpg Our guest speaker for this special event is David Hutchens, a bestselling author, and creator of the Learning Fables series of books.

The Learning Fables have been translated into more than a dozen languages and found an enthusiastic audience in organizations all over the world.

As an organizational learning consultant, David Hutchens has worked with IBM, The Coca-Cola Company, Wal-Mart, GE, Nike, and many others. He is the creator of GO Team, a library of 18 easy-to-deliver team-training modules that allow you to build your own team training agenda. David is a member of the leadership board of Stories in Organizations, a special interest group of the National Storytelling Network.

This live an interactive TeleSeminar with special guest David Hutchens represents a perfect opportunity to learn how you can leverage the power of storytelling to build inspired, high performing teams.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with David and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" coaching! 

Call Details


The Stories We Create: Narrative and Engagement in Organizations


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


David Hutchens, best selling author

Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


CLICK HERE to register.  It's FREE!  Registration is now closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


CLICK HERE to get the recording for a limited time.
Click on the link below to download the slide deck used in this TeleSeminar.  Link active for a short time.
Download SLIDE DECK David Hutchens Org Stories
This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

Secrets to Facilitating "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" with Pat Richie, Principal Consultant at the Table Group


Five dysfunctions The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is one of the most important books on teamwork in the last decade. 

This book has appeared on American best-seller lists including: New York Times, Business Week, Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

More teamwork facilitators, trainers, coaches, supervisors, and managers have read and attempted to teach the principles in this book than any other in recent history.

Patrick Lencioni travels occasionally to teach this material but the guy doing most of the training on The Five Dysfunctions is Pat Richie who will be our guest for this special TeleSeminar. 

If you love The Five Dysfunctions book as much as we do at the IATF then you'll want to attend this TeleSeminar where Pat Richie will share secrets to teaching the material and insights gained from working with Patrick Lencioni. Come to the call ready to ask questions!

 Join us for this live and interactive TeleSeminar to:

  • Learn secrets to facilitating The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
  • Gain insights on how to "re-start" The Five Dysfunctions if you have a team that is currently using this model
  • Learn stratgies for making The Five Dysfunctions of a Team come alive with a team

Pat_richie Our guest speaker for this special event is Pat Richie who has a unique combination of experience building a teamwork culture on the highest performing teams ever and expertise facilitating the groundbreaking 5 Dysfunctions model for business.

Pat Richie’s early success came in professional sports as part of the San Francisco 49’ers in the 80’s and 90’s (he won 3 Super Bowl Rings!).

Pat has authored two books, “Wisdom for the BusyLeader” foreword by Patrick Lencioni and “Wisdom for the Busy SportsLeader” foreword by Mike Holmgren.

He has co-authored articles on teamwork with Patrick Lencioni that have appeared in national publications, and been quoted by: The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, the BBC and GQ Magazine.

Contact Pat Richie:  [email protected]

This is a great opportunity to learn about how you can learn how to teach one of the most powerful teamwork models available.

This TeleSeminar will be interactive - - you'll be able to talk with Pat and ask him your questions directly (or send them in as text).  It's "just in time" coaching! 

Graphic Facilitation

This call included live "graphic facilitation" provided by Breah Livolsi Parker of Click on the imgage below to view the graphic representation of the information shared in this program.


Call Details


 Secrets to Facilitating "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team"


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 60 minutes


Pat Richie, Principal Consultant at the Table Group
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


 CLICK HERE to register.  Registration is closed.


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

Watch this video clip of Pat Richie speaking on The Five Dysfunctions of a Team


How Games At Work Inspire Creativity with special guest Dave Gray -- Recorded Leadership TeleSeminar

Great things don’t happen in a vacuum. But creating an environment for creative thinking and innovation can be a daunting challenge. How can you make it happen at your company? The answer may surprise you: gamestorming.

Learn how to apply game thinking to your business challenges in this TeleSeminar with the author!

Gamestorming_book_cover Think back to the last time you played a game. What was the game? Why did you choose to play? Was it a simple game like tic-tac-toe, or something more complex, like Monopoly, Scrabble or Chess? Or maybe it was a game of basketball? Did you play with friends? With family? Try to recapture the feeling you had as you played the game. How did it feel? Would you like to have more of that feeling at work?

Games come naturally to human beings. Playing a game is a way of exploring the world, a form of structured play, a natural learning activity that’s deeply tied to growth. Games can be fun and entertaining, but games can have practical benefits too.

In this TeleSeminar you'll learn how to design games to help you get more innovative, creative results in your work.

About the book "GAMESTORMING"

This book includes more than 80 games to help you break down barriers, communicate better, and generate new ideas, insights, and strategies. The authors have identified tools and techniques from some of the world’s most innovative professionals, whose teams collaborate and make great things happen. This book is the result: a unique collection of games that encourage engagement and creativity while bringing more structure and clarity to the workplace.

Here's what GAMESTORMING can do for your team:

  • Overcome conflict and increase engagement with team-oriented games
  • Improve collaboration and communication in cross-disciplinary teams with visual-thinking techniques
  • Improve understanding by role-playing customer and user experiences
  • Generate better ideas and more of them, faster than ever before
  • Shorten meetings and make them more productive
  • Simulate and explore complex systems, interactions, and dynamics
  • Identify a problem’s root cause, and find the paths that point toward a solution

One common review of the book:

…one of the most valuable and applicable collection of tools and techniques for organizational design that I have ever come across. The "games" outlined in the book help you make ideas more tangible and meetings more productive, notably through visual techniques. Gamestorming is a window into the future of how groups will work. There is no way around this book if you are serious about making innovation and change happen in your organization.

Our guest for this special TeleSeminar
is Dave Gray is the coauthor of GAMESTORMING and the founder and chairman of XPLANE Corp., an information design consultancy serving Fortune 100, NGO and government clients around the world, and co-founder of Vizthink, a global community dedicated to the use of visualization in all forms of learning and communication. An artist, journalist and information designer, he is passionate about applied creativity.


Call Details


 Gamestorming -- How Games At Work Inspire Creativity


Thursday, October 21, 2010


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 70 minutes


Dave Gray, author of Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This leadership TeleSeminar was recorded and is now archived in the IATF Members Only Area. Not yet a member of the IATF?  Please join! Membership information is HERE.


CLICK HERE to register.  It's free!  After you register, we'll send you the secret phone number and "PIN".  Registration is closed.

Watch this video (below) of Dave talking about GAMESTORMING at UX Week in San Francisco


Watch this video (below) of Dave presenting an IGNITE session on GAMESTORMING

Happiness & Teamwork with NY Times best selling author Gretchen Rubin -- Leadership TeleSeminar Recording

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  US Declaration of Independence

"Whoever is happy will make others happy, too." ~ Mark Twain

Clearly, happiness is important.  We all seek out opportunities to be happy.  Some people appear to be happier than others. 

What about happiness and teamwork?

What is the relationship between the success your team experiences and the level of happiness your team members experience?  Chicken or the egg?  Which comes first?  Team happiness or team success?

Gretchen_rubinWhat is your responsibility as a leader to promote or effect happiness on your team?

What exactly IS happiness?  What does it mean to be happy?  How happy can we expect to be?

  To answer these questions I've invited happiness expert Gretchen Rubin to the IATF.

Gretchen is the author of the NY Times bestseller "The Happiness Project" which I found to be a wonderful book.

The Happiness Project is a memoir of the year Gretchen spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, the current scientific studies, and the lessons from popular culture about how to be happy--from Aristotle to Martin Seligman to Thoreau to Oprah.

“A cross between the Dalai Lama’s The Art of Happiness and Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, and seamlessly buttressed by insights from sources as diverse as psychological scientists, novelists, poets, and philosophers, Gretchen Rubin has written a book that readers will revisit again and again as they seek to fulfill their own dreams for happiness.”
— Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want

Wikipedia has an entry on "Happiness At Work" that starts with the following:

Despite a large body of positive psychological research into the relationship between happiness and productivity, happiness at work has traditionally been seen as a potential by-product of positive outcomes at work, rather than a pathway to success in business. However a growing number of scholars, Boehm and Lyubomirsky included, state that it should be viewed as one of the major sources of positive outcomes in the workplace.

Resources mentioned during this TeleSeminar:

Come join us and explore happiness and teamwork on this interactive TeleSeminar with Gretchen!

Call Details


Happiness & Teamwork -- Exploring the connection between happiness and team success


Thursday, September 23, 2010


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 70 minutes


Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


For a short time you can download the recording of this call HERE for free.
CLICK HERE to get the recording which is archived in the IATF members only area. Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


CLICK HERE to register.  It's free!  After you register, we'll send you the secret phone number and "PIN".  Registration is closed.

How To Strengthen Relationships on Teams Using Visual Images with Christine Martell -- Leadership TeleSeminar Recording

Nobel-laureate scientists. Award-winning filmmakers. World-champion athletes. These are people that change the world. They operate with peak performance. And they all have something else in common.

They think not just in words, but in images.

Whether it’s imagining a new vaccine in the lab, a blockbuster at the studio, or a perfect shot on the court, these amazing people bring both the verbal and the visual together.

By using images to go beyond words alone, visual images can be used to help improve performance, resolve conflict, and achieve results.

VisualsSpeak trains facilitators in the use of tools using images to drive discussion, insight, and transformation.

Christine_martell_1 Christine Martell is principal of VisualsSpeak, and she will be our guest for this special IATF Train-The-Trainer TeleSeminar.

This TeleSeminar will focus on strategies for building relationships in teams using visual images.

Christine will share a special series of images (digital download) with all who participate in this call.  You'll be able to use these same images with the groups you serve.

Topics we'll be covering include:

  • Overview of ways you can use images in team building
  • When and why to use images
  • Experience of using visuals to build relationships in teams

Christine Martell has been facilitating with a variety of organizations worldwide for 25 years. Her work integrating visuals with traditional corporate performance improvement methods has brought her global recognition. Her work at VisualsSpeak is focused on developing fun, experiential, transformational tools for team building, leadership development, and strategic visioning.

Call Details


How To Strengthen Relationships on Teams Using Visual Images


Thursday, July 8, 2010


Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 70 minutes


Christine Martell of
Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF


Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!


This call was recorded and is now archived in the IATF Members Only Area.  Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.


CLICK HERE to register. It's free!  After you register, we'll send you the secret phone number and "PIN".  Registration is closed.


CLICK HERE to download the 10 page class handout which teaches you how to lead a process that will strengthen team relationships.  This handout is available in the IATF members only area HERE.  Not yet an IATF member?  Join HERE.

Do More Great Work -- with special guest Michael Bungay Stanier - Leadership TeleSeminar Recording

You’re up to your eyeballs answering email, returning phone calls, attending meetings, scrambling to get things done. But when did being busy become a measure of success?

It’s time to do more of the work that means something to you, stretches you and makes a difference.

This is true for you AND your team!

Our guest for this special interactive TeleSeminar is "Great Work" expert Michael Bungay Stanier.

In our last call with Michael, we talked about the fundamentals of Good Work and Great Work and shared a tool that can be used individually and for a team to help them do more Great Work.

In this class, we'll tackle...

  • The greatest barrier to doing more Great Work
  • The three fundamental attributes you and your teams need to do more Great Work
  • A tool and a process to help any team have more impact in their work

Please join us for an interactive, fun and practical TeleClass that will give you new tools and insights for the work you’re doing with teams and leaders.


Do_more_great_work_book_cover Do More Great Work: Stop the busywork and start the work that matters

In Michael Bungay Stanier’s Do More Great Work you’ll find fifteen ‘maps’, practical exercises to help you identify how to find, start and sustain more Great Work. Amongst other things you’ll learn:

  • Where to find clues to your own Great Work. (They’re all around you.)
  • How to locate the sweet spot between what you want to do and what your organization wants you to do.
  • Tactics to best manage the overwhelm.
  • How to double the likelihood you’ll do what you want to do.

There are also original contributions from leading thinkers like Seth Godin, Dave Ulrich, Michael Port, Penelope Trunk, Leo Babauta and Chris Guillebeau on how to do more of the important stuff.

To do more Great Work you need focus, you need courage and you need resilience. Do More Great Work will help you find all that and more.

Call Details

Do More Great Work TeleClass
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Starts at 1 pm Eastern (NY City time zone)
runs for 70 minutes
  • Michael Bungay Stanier, IATF Visiting Faculty Member
  • Tom Heck, President & Founder of the IATF
Come to the call ready to participate in small group discussions, share ideas and resources, ask questions, answer quick polls, and be fully engaged as we put the newest distance learning telephone conferencing technology to use!

The recording is archived in the IATF Members Only Area.  Not yet a member?  Join HERE.


CLICK HERE to register. It's free!  When you register we'll send you the phone number and your secret PIN.  Registration is closed.